(40) I Probably Would've Kept My Mouth Shut If Your Boyfriend Weren't A Sex God

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double update: 39&40!


"Who knew they could argue?" Sarah whispered conspiratorially to Gabby beside her.

Marley had heard it, so she scowled, "We're not arguing. If Aiden just handed me the icing-"

He paused in his meticulous, oh so perfect line on the side of one of the cookie walls, "I did, and we had to redo the wall you tried to put up and wipe away all the excess-"

"Because Mr. Good at Everything has to take over all the time."

Aiden shook his head and went back to his hunched crouch, blue eyes deadlocked in absolute focus on making the icing line perfect, on the wall that they'd have to stick to the base, "Baby I literally just said if I do the foundation, you can do your fair share after-"

"Since when did you become the unspoken construction manager of our gingerbread house?" Marley demanded, crossing her arms and glaring at the side of her boyfriend's head.

"Since you can't attach a wall to save your life." he retorted sassily.

"Oh that's it!" Marley growled, snatching the icing right from his hands. Aiden yelped when the wall fell, the icing line he made smearing while she grinned in satisfaction.

He huffed in frustration, tugging on his hair before turning to glare at her, "That took me ten minutes!"

The rest of the table were handling the decorating fine, especially the other couples of the group, while Marley and Aiden found themselves butting heads about everything.

"Make your own, then," Marley replied through clenched teeth, tugging the base in front of her and lifting the wall up again, "because I'm not just sitting on my hands while you do all of it-"

"When did I ever say that I was going to do all of it-"

"Like you won't take over the roof decorating if I accidentally shift one gumdrop to the left of the others?"

It's no secret that her boyfriend is a neat freak, if his meticulous bedroom is any indication of his personality. But he'd have to suck it up and deal with not always being in control.

Aiden growled under his breath, not protesting further when she got to work on the wall. She lifted it upwards and tilted it, squeezing the bag to dispense more icing along the bottom.

In the background, Aiden was twitching and appeared to be in physical pain trying not to intervene.

Oh please.

Marley's tongue stuck out of her lips and pressed against her cupid's bow, hazel eyes narrowed in focus on her task. With a shaky line on the bottom of the wall, Marley lowered the icing and shifted it on its proper place.

She watched Aiden's hands reach in her peripheral, "Don't. You. Dare." she threatened viciously, pressing it down in place and holding it.

Aiden huffed again in the background, and she shot him an annoyed look, "Doing this together means you don't get to take over and say I suck at it!"

She narrowed her eyes on his, watching him sigh and everything about him soften, "You're right, I'm sorry spitfire. You can finish the last half of the walls and I'll start my gingerbread me."

Marley frowned in confusion at his extreme excitement, focus entirely changed onto the little gingerbread man sitting on the paper plate in front of him. Aiden shifted their tray of candies and accessories for the house and the cookies, so it was right in front of him, grabbing at the small packet of green icing.

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