(63) Hero

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As soon as CWTHAW reaches 50k...I'll post chapter 64 ❤️


They left the sliding glass doors of the airport hand in hand, both of their duffel bags over Aiden's shoulders.

The anxiety was starting to creep back into the forefront of her mind now. The last time she checked in with Detective Bryan was an hour ago, and a lot can change in an hour. He seemed relaxed though, when she finally laid eyes on him. He was leaning against his Mazda SUV, his arms crossed around his jacket.

The temperature was in the high forties and dropping — Marley and Aiden were bundled up in winter gear themselves. The air was misty, and though the sun had set the airport's bright lights illuminated everything perfectly.

Bryan lifted off his car, not appearing at all surprised by Aiden's presence. He did attempt to close the distance to Marley, leaving it open for her to decide. After a few seconds, she felt Aiden's hand loosen around hers.

It was enough for her to launch herself into Bryan's comforting embrace while he held her back with just as much love. This man is the closest thing she has to a father, he's seen it all, been through everything with her so his comfort right now was unmatched.

Bryan kissed the top of her head, "He's stable at the moment, but no matter what happens, I'll always take care of you, okay?"

She nodded into his shoulder, her eyes stinging all over again. No matter what happens.

Marley was sniffling when she pulled away, wiping the tears away from her under-eyes to face him, "Can you take me-us, to the hospital please?"

He gave her a stern, no-nonsense look, "Your father is under heavy anesthesia. You've been through enough. You'll stay with me tonight."

Marley sighed and nodded in resignation, tired from the emotional rollercoaster she's been on in such a short period of time, and knowing Bryan was right to be concerned for her.

Aiden's hand slipped around her waist and held her against him, "Look, I-"

"You can stay, too," he conceded before Aiden could argue, "But you're on the couch. I like you, but not that much."

Marley giggled at the imagery of that. She lifted her head up to lock eyes with Aiden. He was smiling a secret, mischievous smile, because they had slept together in the same bed multiple times before. He didn't argue though — as is normally in his nature — kissing her forehead and holding her tighter.

"No problem. I appreciate the hospitality, sir."

Bryan rolled his eyes, leading them to the truck of his rumbling car, "The kiss ass gig would've worked on someone who wasn't a teenage guy once upon a time."

Aiden laughed, releasing her to pass him their bags, "I appreciate that you took care of her when I wasn't around to. I don't kiss ass, but even if I did it wouldn't be necessary with you."

Marley's eyes bugged on the side of her boyfriend's stoic, confident expression.

Bryan paused with a hand on the handle of his trunk, shooting Aiden a raised eyebrow, "What on Gods' green Earth makes you think that I approve of you enough for that?"

Aiden shrugged, "When you saw me here with her, you weren't surprised and you didn't ask any questions."

Bryan loosened up after a few seconds, shaking his head as he closed the trunk. Marley was still stunned by Aiden's confidence as he grabbed her hand and led her to the back seat, opening her door.

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