(61) Alongside Automatic Weapons In Trumps' America And Aiden's Fangirls

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So much love last chapter! thank you all for your votes and comments💕. Cabin Fever is at #146 in 'sequel', #898 in 'fiction', #89 in 'teenagers' and...well...

#88 in 'player' lmao. That one is all Leo.

Enjoy Chapter 61❤️


A half-playful smile was on his lips as he pecked hers, "I love it. Thank you, baby."

Marley huffed in satisfaction, turning back to her desk to work on another one. In front of them, Leo turned around with a flat look.

"She's given you seven of them. Are you going to do that 'thank you' shit every time because Jesus Christ-"

"Shut up, Leo!" Gabby was the one to interrupt before Aiden could. She was sitting beside him, trying to go through his failed test with him at supposedly Mrs. Weiss' pleading.

Their teacher offered Gabby extra credit for helping Leo stay afloat in this class which honestly, gives Leo zero right to judge anyone else at the moment.

It was lunch time, which would normally mean they would be in the mess hall but Gabby asked Marley - or more like begged her - to stay behind too, so she wouldn't be alone with him. Mrs. Weiss left for lunch but offered to get the four of them coffee and bagels as a thank you for helping Leo.

Because doing so really does deserve multiple awards for patience, generosity, and perseverance.

Aiden stayed behind too, but he and Marley were obviously bored. While he played with strands of her pink hair he was clearly still getting used to, Marley had a large stack of letter size paper and scissors in her right hand to make paper snowflakes. In the span of twenty minutes she had made seven of them, more intricate every time.

After she was finished, she would hand them to Aiden, writing his name with a heart on the back.

"I'm grateful for everything Marley gives me," Aiden shot back with a smile, his eyes not leaving Marley as she pressed her tongue to her Cupid's bow, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed in focus on a difficult cut in the paper.

"Lovesick-ow!" Leo hissed when Aiden kicked the back of his knee from under their desks.

"Leo. Focus." Gabby droned tiredly, waving a hand at the textbook and pages of writing between them.

He finally turned in his chair, back hunched over and a soft, annoyed groan leaving his lips that Gabby shot a disapproving look towards. She began to speak again, pointing her pencil at various diagrams she made to help him understand the lessons better.

Marley has no idea how her best friend has the energy to deal with Leo Kahn, not many people can say they have the super-patience to do that.

"This is your official heads up," Aiden began with four words that really do terrify Marley, "that one of your Christmas gifts is going to be arriving right after school."

Marley's scissors clattered to her desk loudly. She turned her torso to give Aiden all of her attention, crossing her arms over her chest with narrowed eyes, "Arriving?"

He was grinning excitedly, staring down at the screen of the phone he quickly switched off and hid at her scrutiny, "Trust me, you're gonna love them."

"Them?" Marley buried her head in her hands, sighing loudly to expel some of her frustration. A reminder of how he's already spoiled her was cool silver against her left cheek. "You know us girls are going shopping after school!"

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