As always Emma looked up to the sky and wishing to the stars. "Star Night, Star Bright. The first star I seen tonight, I wish may, I wish I might. Have the wish  I wish tonight.. I wish I could go and watch One Direction when they have a album signing or if i'm lucky i wish i could go to a One Direction concert " 

Emma is still listening on the radio and hapefully waiting news about One Direction" 

While tuning into the radio she hear a really good news. "Fresh Celebrity News... One Direction will have a tour here in our place. There will be a concert and an album signing here in our place. Call to us and we ask you a question , and if you're answer is right , you will get 2 V.I.P tickets and get a chance to have a participation in their music video. HURRY, CALL NOW.. ONLY  5 people will get a chance to win,,,"

Emma's feeling cannot be explained "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT !!!??? OH YEAH... ADFHGHLZKSJDFHGDSHGNANNMGLJAKG.... I NEED TO HURRY!! aghsjfdlsdgaghha..EXCITED. Oh yes I wished on the star and now it is coming true. But wait, i need to call ... 07981-292413 Oh yeah. This the life.. ring.... ring.... *somebody, please pick up the phone !!* Hello ?" .

 Hello! This is The Up All Night radio station, How may I help you?... uh. Uh I call for the contest . Congratulations Ma'am you're the first caller. By the Way Who is Who? ... Emma is so blissful that she could not speak neither saying her name. "Uh. m-m-m-m-m my names is Emma Willer, 15 years old  and I love One Direction SO MUCH! " 

Back on the Radio : "Oh well One Direction Infection is so Infectious  that even my mom got them . HAHAHA *just kidding* Let's go back to the contest and see If you will get a chance to win a V.I.P Pass to the concert and het a chance to be seen in their music video!. So here is your question.... When and what time did One Direction Formed as a group. You have 10 seconds to answer that question. Your time starts now.

Emma feels adrenaline rush ... Flashbacks.... "I've seen this before on twitter...... EMMA WILLER, YOU NEED TO ANSWER THIS! ....." "Miss Emma Miller , 6 seconds...."

Emma answered the question before the time ends "One Direction was formed on July 23, 2010 at 8:22 p.m."

Radio DJ "Congratulations Ms, Emma Willer, you just won 2 V.I.P tickets for One Direction concert (the clapping sound effects were played. You are so lucky Emma you are one in a million. Do you want to say anything Emma ?"

Emma is still shocked "O-M-G, Am I dreaming or what. Wait, Wait I will just pinch myself and see If this is just a dream. Oh geez this is the life ! OH YEAH BABY. HAPPINESS =))))))))))))))))))) Whatta dream came true. By the way thank you Up All Night Radio station and Thanks GOD that HE let me to win this contest. I think I will faint now because of so much beatitude. "

Radio DJ " Thanks for calling, dont hung up the phone cause we will tell you how will you get your V.I.P passes"

Emma's POV

What happened today is really awesome. This is the best day of my life. I did'nt expect that I will see One Direction face-to-face and talk to them. I thought I will just only see them on the Internet and magazines. I just did'nt believed what really happened today. Thank God, he let me to win. I cannot explain what's really happening to my life. I cannot really explain this feelings I'm feeling now. 

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