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"Just in the oldest daughter of the Cabello Cartel is looking for someone to bare her children and carry on the legacy." A news reporter says on the kitchen tv in the Jauregui household.

Lauren looked up from her book at the screen. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. She was sick to death of hearing about the Cabello family.

"Father's all over the Miami area are being notified and eligible to sign their daughters away. However, only Camila can choose who she wants." The news reporter continues.

Lauren glanced at her father out of the corner of her eye, praying he didn't decide to do it.

Mike was watching the tv with a curious expression on his face.

"If chosen, the girl's family will receive money in return." The reporter continued.

"Dad, please don't." Lauren said immediately, noticing her father's look. "I don't want to get caught in all that."

Frowning, he looks toward his daughter and sighs. "We need the money Laur, your mother and I can't both keep working two jobs."

"So you'd sell my virginity for money?" Lauren asked, furrowing her brows.

Mike doesn't respond, his eyes back on the tv where Camila Cabello was shown in an interview.

"To be honest, I'm looking for someone with at least some spanish decent and probably green or brown eyes." The Cuban said honestly.

Lauren tensed. "Don't even think about it, dad." She growled as her mother came through the front door.

"What's the matter honey?" Clara asks softly, noticing the look on Lauren's face.

"Dad wants to sell my virginity to the Cabello's for money." Lauren responded.

Sighing, Clara looks at Mike. "We've already discussed this, we aren't doing it."

"But we need the money, Clara. We can't keep working two jobs each, to keep all three of the kids in education." Mike argued.

Clara gives him a look. "We'll talk about this later."

Mike huffed in annoyance. "Lauren, help your mother with dinner."

"It's Taylor's turn, I did it last night." Lauren responded, eyes back on her book.

"I gave you an order young lady, now help your mother."

Lauren sighed and closed her book. She got up and made her way into the kitchen with her mother.

Mike reached for the laptop. He was signing Lauren up no matter what his wife and daughter said.

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