Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


"You okay?" Camila asks softly, running her fingers through Lauren's hair as they lay in bed.

"Are we really leaving tomorrow?" Lauren asked. "And taking Lena and her son with us? What about Lena's girlfriend? Her job?"

Nodding her head, Camila pulls the younger girl closer. "I already have a job lined up for her and Kara is coming with."

Lauren rolled onto her back and sighed. She stared up at the ceiling. "So... because of your father... we have to leave and they have to move."

"Yes, it's the only way to keep everyone safe." Camila responds, sitting up slightly and caressing Lauren's stomach.

Lauren's eyes remained on the ceiling.

Reaching up, Camila cups her cheek. "I love you," she whispered, hoping Lauren would say it back.

Lauren turned her head to look at Camila. She swallowed.

The older girl searches Lauren's eyes, her own pleading for the younger girl to respond.

Lauren looked like she wanted to respond, she just didn't know how to.

Swallowing thickly, Camila closes her eyes before opening them and looking into Lauren's.

The brightness of her eyes having dimmed.

Lauren sat up. "I know you want me to say it back... I just... I don't know if I'm ready for that."

Nodding her head, Camila moves away from her and looks down. "I should finish packing."

"I'm sorry." Lauren whispered.

The older girl doesn't respond, leaving the room.

Lauren closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair.

Two hours later

Lauren was growing worried when Camila didn't come back to their room.

Getting up, the green eyed girl left the safety of their bedroom to look for her wife. "Camila?" She called.

There was no answer but she could faintly make out the light in Camila's office was on.

"Camila?" Lauren repeated, walking slowly towards the office.

There was still no answer, only silence.

When Lauren pushed the door open, she found Camila sitting in her office chair, staring out the window, headphones in her ears.

Lauren sighed, she leaned against the door, watching her.

Shifting, Camila suddenly notices Lauren and frowns in confusion. "When did you come in?" She asks, removing her headphones.

"Just a moment ago." Lauren said.

Nodding her head, Camila runs a hand through her hair.

"What's up?" Lauren asked.

Shrugging, Camila glances toward the window. "It's late, you should get some sleep."

"Come to bed." Lauren said.

"I'm not tired." The brown eyed girl responds.

"Neither am I." Lauren responded. "Are you mad at me?"

Frowning, Camila looks at the younger girl. "Why would you think that?"

"Because..." Lauren looked down shyly. "I upset you."

"Baby, I'm not mad at you." Camila says softly, standing up and moving over to Lauren.

"Then what's wrong?" Lauren asked.

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