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Alright, this is the last update until we finish our next book. In case I don't post before then, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone!~Britt




Six years later

"Mama, mama." A soft voice calls out before a brown eyed little girl climbs onto the bed beside Lauren and Camila. "Baby is cryin!"

Camila pulled her eyes away from her book to look at her daughter.

"Ayah is cryin." The three year old says worriedly.

"Okay, she'll be okay." Camila said softly. She rolled out of bed. "Let's go see what the issue is."

Lauren sits up and rubs her eyes. "What's wrong Dani?" She asks, looking at their daughter.

"Ayah is crying." Danielle said.

"Oh, she must be hungry, I'll go." The green eyed girl says softly.

"Mama! Tony took my ice cream!" Charlotte yells from downstairs.

"Are you sure?" Camila asked softly.

"I'm sure." Lauren nodded. "If you deal with the terrible two."

Nodding, Camila kisses her gently before getting up and lifting Danielle into her arms.

"Let's go sort out your brother and sister." She said before leaving the room.

Lauren got up and went to get Aria. She entered the nursery and saw Lena in the rocking chair, nursing her and Kara's two week old son, Henry.

Aria was laying in her crib, the two month old fussing softly.

"Hi." Lauren said as she lifted Aria out of her crib. "How's he doing?"

Lena looked up. "He's okay for now."

Henry had been born really early and had spent the first week of his life in ICU.

Aria begins squirming in Lauren's arms and releases a soft cry, kicking her feet.

Lauren sat down beside Lena. "Is he feeding okay?"

"Better than usual." The older girl responds softly.

A slightly louder cry escapes Aria as she kicks her feet.

"That's good." Lauren said with a soft smile. She unbuttoned her night shirt and released her breast, helping Aria find her nipple.

Lena nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving Henry.

Kara came into the room. "Sorry about that, babe. James is an idiot sometimes." She said, referring to her assistant. She sat down on the arm of the rocking chair and kissed Lena's forehead. "Hi Henry." She said softly.

Aria releases a loud squeak before she begins nursing, it was something she always did and nobody knew why.

Lauren giggled at her daughter and gently brushed her fingers over her daughter's cheek.

The tiny baby squirmed a lot as she nursed, occasionally kicking her feet.

"Nuh uh! She did it!" She heard Tony yell just as the twins began fighting once more.

"Would you two quit it!" Camila said calmly.

"Mommy! Mama yelled at us!" The twins yell up the stairs.

Lauren sighed heavily, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them. "That's because you're fighting."

"He/she started it!" They yell back.

"Both of you stop it right now or you are both grounded for a month." Lauren said calmly.

"Lewis." Kara called softly. "Could you help Ava get ready for bed, please?"

"On it." Lewis calls back.

There was silence from Camila and the twins before the sound of glass breaking.

"He/she did it!" The twins yell at the same time.

"Thank you." Kara called to Lewis.

Lauren sighed and closed her eyes.

"All this yelling is upsetting Henry." Lena said softly, the tiny boy had released Lena's nipple and was making a stranded grunting noise. He'd only been feeding for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry Lena, I don't know what's gotten into them." Lauren says softly.

Lena shook her head. "He can't go back to hospital. He's too small."

Aria began to fuss around Lauren's nipple, growing agitated with the yelling as well.

"Lena, calm down. You getting upset won't help him because the more you get upset, the harder it will be for you to produce milk for him." Kara said softly. "He'll be okay."

Lauren got up, adjusting Aria in her arms and made her way down the stairs. "Tony! Charlotte!"

The twins run over and stop in front of her, Camila was in the middle of cleaning up glass while Danielle watched from the couch.

"Stop acting like two year olds. What kind of example are you setting for your sisters? Stop fighting. You're brother and sister. Either tell us what's going on or your both grounded until you die." Lauren said calmly, looking at the twins before looking down at Aria and helping her latch on to her nipple again.

"Tony keeps taking my stuff and being mean because his friends tell him to." Charlotte whines, stomping her feet.

"Nuh uh!" Tony responds, crossing his arms.

"Both of you stop it right now." Lauren said. "Tony stop listening to your friends. Charlotte stay away from Tony in school."

Aria begins squirming in her arms again and releases a soft cry, she hardly got through a full feeding without growing fussy.

Lauren lifted Aria up and began patting her back gently.

The baby began crying slightly louder and squirming in her arms.

"Shh." Lauren cooed softly.

"Is she okay?" Tony asked, standing on his tiptoes to look at his baby sister.

The two month old begins squirming even more, her cries growing louder.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks, walking over with Dani on her hip.

"I don't know." Lauren admitted. "She's finished feeding but won't burp and doesn't need her nappy changed."

Frowning, Camila puts Danielle down and gently takes Aria, patting her back.

Aria continues to squirm, soft cries escaping.

"Is she okay?" Tony asked again, worrying about his little sister.

After a few minutes, Aria burps which is quickly followed by spit up running down Camila's back.

"I found the problem." Camila said.

"What?" Lauren asks immediately, she was worried about her daughter.

"She has a stomach ache." Camila said.

Aria had settled down, her eyes falling closed.

"See, she's all better." Camila said softly.

"Mama, you have puke on her shirt." Charlotte says softly.

"I know baby. I'll get cleaned up once Aria is asleep." Camila said softly.

Danielle was frowning from her spot beside Camila, she was attached to the brown eyed woman and didn't like being put down.

Lauren ran her fingers through Danielle's hair. "Bed time."

Whining, Danielle shakes her head. "Not sleepy."

"Doesn't matter." Lauren said. "It's bedtime. You can get two chapters of a story tonight if you get ready for bed quickly."

Pouting, the little girl makes her way up the stairs followed by the twins.

"You okay to put her down while I get Danielle ready for bed?" Lauren asked Camila.

"I've got her." Camila says with a warm smile.

Lauren smiled and gently pecked Camila's lips before following her children up stairs.

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