Shopping Trip 2/2

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   JoAnn had lost interest in raiding my limo of its contents and we were talking. "So, do you think we will run into any interesting boys while we're there?" She said. I groaned "Not you too!" "Well, Adrien wasn't wrong. You need to find someone. I'm not going to be in Paris forever and Adrien has a life too. As much as I want to support you, I can't do that in ways a boyfriend could." She said. I sighed and knew she was right.

  "We can look I guess but our main mission is shopping. And also, if I get a boyfriend before you leave, you have to get one too." I said. "Fine." JoAnn said. I looked out of the window and watched the passing buildings. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I remembered coming here with my parents once and going to all of the monuments.

   We arrived at the mall and we ended up going to five different stores before I stopped everyone. "Hey, how about we go to the food court and take a break for a bit. I think I might get a blister if I walk in these shoes any longer." I said, They agreed and we went to the food court, I waited at the table for them to get their food and typed more of my story called The Darkness Inside Us on Wattpad.

   We sat and chatted while they ate their food. After everyone was finished, I got an idea. "Hey, one of my favorite shops is here and I want to take you guys to it." I said. We walked to the escalators and to a store. "Umm, it looks like it's closed?" Alya said. I smiled and punched a key code into the number pad, had it scan my fingerprint, and the lock clicked open.

   I swung open the door and said "Welcome to the royal salon. Only the royal families know the passcode to enter. Not even the mayor is allowed in here. It's my favorite getaway spot." They all gaped in amazement at the pastel walls, white furniture, and open hot tub with a waterfall. We all entered and I walked up to the front desk.

   "And who are you?" The front desk lady asked rudely. I pulled out my ID badge and said "Four full treatments, please." Her eyes widened and she panicked a bit. "Princess Kennedy, my mistake. Please, follow Clarise and she will get you and your four friends set up." She said, gesturing to the kind girl next to us. I smiled and followed the young employee to the robes closet.

   Clarise pulled out a teal, purple, pink, and black robe and matching swimsuits for us. I took the teal one, Marinette the pink, Alya the purple, and JoAnn the black. We all changed and I led them to the hot tub. After that, we had a massage, mani-petis, hair styling, and makeup sessions. I had told the hair stylists and makeup artists that we were going casual.

   After both our hair and makeup were done, they turned us to face the mirrors. I heard everyone else gasp at their looks and I smiled. My hair was in an elegant but simple half french braid that twisted around my head from the right side. I had eyeshadow that faded from black in the corners to a deep red and sparkles dusted the area around my eyes. The black mascara and eyeliner made my turquoise-hazel eyes pop. There was a light blush and perfect face contours. My lipstick was also a deep red and sparkly.

   I left to change before anyone saw me. I put everything on and added the gold and diamond hairpin to the start of the braid that they had left for me. I snuck out to the front counter while my friends were still changing and paid for everyone. I patiently waited for them as I chatted with one of the employees.

   Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see someone. "Kennedy? Is that really you?" They said. Suddenly it clicked and I said "Marielle? I missed you so much!" We hugged. "So how's everything going for you back home?" I asked. "Good. Tiana is doing amazing for being crowned princess even though she doesn't think so." Marielle said. I nodded and smiled. I hadn't seen her since I was eight.

   I saw my friends exit the changing rooms and waved bye to her before walking over to my friends. "Hey. You all look great!" I said. They all looked at me. "Oh my gosh, you look amazing Kennedy!" Alya squealed. I laughed and shook my head at her. We all left and dropped off our bags to the Limo. I had told David to take a break while we were here.

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