Disney Movies And Cuddles

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   I woke up and looked at my clock. I had slept for another hour and a half. I sat up and yawned, stretching my arms high above my head. I winced as I felt a pain in my side. I looked at the door and Dylan's bag was still here which meant that he was too. I smiled to myself before grabbing my blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders. 

   I carefully stood and held onto my bed frame for a bit until I was sure I could stand. I slowly walked to my couch and sat down, curling up in the corner. It was so cold in my room but it's probably just me, I have really bad circulation. Someone opened the door to my room and I looked to see Dylan.

   "Hi." I said, my voice hoarse from my dry throat. "You're awake again." Dylan said, walking over and handing me a glass of water. I nodded and took it gratefully, sipping from it. I winced as the water went down my sore throat and set it down on the small table. I patted the seat next to me on the couch and he sat down.

   I laid my head on his chest and cuddled up close to him, slowly warming up from his body heat. "Why are you so cold?" He asked after wrapping his arms around me. "I'm always cold, I have bad circulation." I mumbled. He rubbed my back and hugged me closer. I just realized what I had done and I blushed.

   "I hope you don't mind the fact that I just cuddled up to you without asking." I said, still blushing. He chuckled and said "I don't mind at all. It was a nice surprise." I smiled and said, "Good because I love to cuddle." He chuckled again and kissed the top of my head, making me blush more.

   I enjoyed the silence but I was starting to get bored. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure. What movie?" He said. I sat up and shrugged. "I don't care as long as it's not a scary movie. I can't do horrors." I said. He went over to my movie collection and grabbed one, putting it in the disk player before sitting back on the couch. I resumed my previous position and he started the movie.

   The Disney opener started and I laughed. "You like the Disney classics too?" I asked. He nodded and said, "I grew up watching them with my mom all the time." I waited to see what movie it was and I saw The Aristocats on the screen. I laughed and said "I think I know someone who would get a kick out of this one. Too bad he's not here."

   I felt Dylan tense up and I said "It's one of my friends. He likes cats a lot and makes tons of puns about them, it's pretty hilarious." He relaxed some and I sighed in relief. I cuddled closer to him and said "You know I won't ever love anyone else right?" He sighed and seemed upset. "Was it that noticeable?" He asked. "I felt your muscles tense up." I said. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

   "You do know that kissing someone's cheek is classic greeting in France right?" He said. I giggled and said "Yeah, but I'm not fully French. I'm only a quarter French and I grew up in the Netherlands and America. Where I'm from, a kiss on the cheek is a show of affection for someone special like a sister or in this case, my boyfriend." He blushed and I just resumed cuddling him and watching the movie.

   I laughed and sang along to the songs in the movie. After the movie was done, I looked at Dylan. "I want to watch another movie but I never actually did my homework." I said, pouting a bit. He laughed and said, "I did all of our homework while you were sleeping." "You did all of our homework? I don't deserve to have you as a boyfriend." I said, giving him a big hug. He chuckled and hugged me back.

  I pulled out one of my favorite movies and put in in the DVD player. The movie started and I smiled. Brave was one of my favorite Disney movies. As I was cuddling with Dylan, I started to fall asleep. I fell asleep to the sound of Merida on her horse, riding away from her mother.

Dylan's POV:

   The credits were rolling and I glanced down to see Kennedy sleeping, her chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. I blushed and smiled. She was so adorable in her sleep. I went to move her so I could stand and carry her to her bed but she started to stir a bit. I guess I'll just have to let her sleep on me for now.

   I watched her sleep and played with a small strand of her hair. She looked so beautiful and blissfully happy in her sleep. I almost wish she could be truly happy in her waking hours. When I see her smile, it usually doesn't reach her eyes. I can see the pain she has hidden deep in her heart even if she smiles.

   She starts whimpering and saying things like "no" and "Stop". Suddenly, she screams and starts crying. I panic a bit and try to wake her up. "Kennedy." I repeat, lightly shaking her to try and wake her up. Her eyes snap open and she looks right at me. I watch as she breaks down into another sob and buries her face into my shirt.

   I carefully rub her back as my heart breaks for her. For her to have that bad of a dream, whatever happened must have been really horrible and traumatizing. She started to calm down and looked at me again, her cheeks stained with tears and eyes glistening. Her breathing was shaky and I could feel her body was shaking too.

   "What happened?" I asked, still rubbing her back with one hand lightly. She looked like she was going to cry again so I decided not to push it. "Hey, you don't have to tell me right now. I understand if you don't want to talk." I said. She looked relieved and hugged me. "Thank you." I heard her whisper.

   I just nodded and scooped her up, walking her to her bed. I tucked her under her covers and started to walk to the couch. I felt a light tug on my wrist and looked back at Kennedy. She had grabbed my wrist and was looking at me, a slight blush dusting her cheeks. I knew she was probably nervous from her expression. Finally, she whispered, "Stay, please." I nodded and climbed in beside her.

Kennedy's POV:

   I felt him climb in beside me and his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to his chest. Usually, I would be too shy to even consider asking this but after the night terror I just had, I just really needed to be close to him. I needed to be held in his arms and feel safe. I need to know that he is here and okay, not gone, laying in a pool of blood on a cold cement floor.

   I closed my eyes and could feel his breath tickling my neck. I turned in his embrace and lay my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. After a few minutes, Dylan said "I love you Kennedy." I could feel my blush and I finally fell asleep.

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