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   I woke up to Dylan still holding me in his sleep. I managed to wriggle out of his arms without waking him up and stretched before going into the kitchen and pulling out a strawberry yogurt. I wasn't hungry but I needed to eat before school. I ate it quickly and then went with Mrs.Drekisson to her closet. "Thank you for letting me borrow an outfit today." I said as she opened the doors to her walk-in closet. She smiled and said, "Of course, pick whatever you want and you can keep it."

   I looked at her with shock and said "I couldn't." She just shook her head at me and pushed me in lightly. "Yes, you can. As long as you promise to marry my son and keep him out of trouble." Mrs.Drekisson said, smiling. I blushed at the thought of marrying Dylan and looked at the clothes, if only to avoid her gaze. She laughed then left me to my own devices.

   I looked at most of her clothes and noted most were pink or baby blue. Finally, I found a dark purple dress and decided to try it on. The bodice of the dress fit snuggly but comfortably and accented the curve of my waist. The skirt just brushed the floor and wasn't too poofed up, making it a more casual dress. It was covered in a swirling black pattern all over that shimmered in the light. The shoes that matched were flats and had black lace butterflies on them.

   I came out of the closet and Mrs.Drekisson smiled in approval. "I have something else for you." She said, walking over to a small jewelry box. She pulled out a pair of black pearl earrings and a matching bracelet. I gasped and took them from her, glancing up at her to make sure I wasn't dreaming. She nodded and I clasped the bracelet on with my miraculous before putting in the earrings.

   "There you go, now it's complete. Go out there and wow my son." She said, giving me a wink. I blushed before shyly walking out of the room. Darren had his back to me and was talking to his Dad. I noticed he was wearing a black button-up and black slacks. I love his parents, matching us I thought with a smile. Of course, Mrs. Drekisson had only brought out that dress so I would match her son. 

   Darren turned around while still talking and suddenly stopped when he caught sight of me. I blushed under his gaze but still kept eye contact. After a moment of silence, Mr.Drekisson elbowed his son not so inconspicuously. Darren shot him a glare before he cleared his throat and said "You look beautiful Kennedy." 

   I blushed harder but smiled and said "You look good too." He offered me his arm and I took it gratefully, giving him a smile as he led me through the hotel and to the lobby. Staff bowed as we passed, probably informed that we were royalty. I nodded to them as we passed. we finally arrived at the lobby and I gasped when I saw the limo that was waiting outside.

   The limo was black and had his royal crest on the front of the car. All of the windows were tinted and the driver was standing in a crisp black suit outside, holding the door open. I smiled and slid into the backseat, Dylan quickly following me. The door shut and I turned to face Dylan. I waited until I had his full attention and then started.

   "Are you sure you want everyone at school to know?" I said, taking his left hand with my right. He smiled and replied "Yes. They will find out sooner than later so why not tell them before they figure it out." I looked at him and found no trace of uncertainty. "Okay. I just don't want you to have to deal with all of the publicity stuff." I said. He cupped my cheek with his right hand and smiled before saying "Don't worry about me okay? Besides, I'd rather do it with you by my side than not." He pulled me closer and kissed me, his hand moving from my cheek to my waist. I melted and pulled him closer to me by the collar of his shirt, closing the little bit of space that was still there.

    We broke apart for air and I sat in a dazed state. Dylan smiled and I melted inside, smiling back. I turned forward and rested my head on his shoulder, glad we weren't with Chloe. We arrived at school and the limo stopped. I could hear the students talking outside. I looked at Dylan and smiled even though my insides were a churning nervous mess. The impications of doing this and the publicity that will come of it has me worried.

   The driver opened the door and Dylan stepped out, offering me his hand to help me out. I took it gratefully and stepped out too. We linked arms and he gave me a reassuring smile before leading me through the other students into the school. My body naturally kicked in the many years of princess training I have had and I fixed my posture some, becoming slightly taller and more imposing. After years of purposely having somewhat bad posture to hide the fact I was royalty, it felt nice to have a straight back.

   We arrived at my locker and I unlocked it to see that all of my school stuff was already here. I shook my head in slight amusement and grabbed a small glass case off my top shelf. Inside was my crown, a gold tiara in a swirling flower and leaf pattern, embedded with real diamonds. I unlocked it with a key that was too unique to replicate. I then took it out and handed it to Dylan to put on me carefully.

   I smiled as the familiar weight settled on my hair and looked at Dylan

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   I smiled as the familiar weight settled on my hair and looked at Dylan. He smiled at me and said "Princess Kennedy" while bowing. I giggled and took his crown from him, placing it gently on his head. He straightened and I curtsied before saying "Prince Darren." Light washed over both of us and I looked at my right hand. A ring emblemed with my family crest, a phoenix with the words eeuwige vlam inscribed below it, sat on my ring finger.

   I looked at Dylan again and said "I forgot about that." He nodded and said, "Me too." We walked to our first class together with our stuff and sat down. Most of the other students were staring at me and Dylan while whispering. I smiled even though my inner emotions were turmoil. I honestly couldn't wait to blend in with the general public again as another insignificant bypasser, I can't stand the spotlight.

   Our friends came in and stared at us in shock. I waited for them but got tired and said "Why are you staring, it's not like you didn't know." Dylan gave me a questioning look of confusion and hurt. I bit my lip before deciding to move the conversation. After we were relatively alone, I whispered "They found out on accident. My phoenix came out some at school one day and I couldn't try and explain it any other way. I honestly didn't want to tell them but I guess since I haven't worn my tiara in public before or anything but generally casual clothes, they never fully processed it." Inside I was screaming at myself but my hands were shaking at my sides.

   Dylan took both of my hands in his and said "It's okay, I just don't want there to be secrets between us." I nodded and blinked back tears that were on the verge of falling. He cupped my cheek with one hand while still holding the other and pulled me in for a soft kiss. I closed my eyes and put my hand on his chest. We broke apart and I blushed bright red. We have kissed before but never in public. Thankfully no one noticed, or so I thought. 

   We sat back down and Alya turned to face us smirking. "You guys are soooo cute!!!" She quietly squealed while holding up her phone. On the screen was a picture of me and Dylan kissing. I blushed a deep red while Dylan just smirked. I glared at him and smacked his arm. He winced and gave me an apologetic look. The teacher came in and I texted Alya quickly before turning my phone off.

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