The Trio's Duo vs. Draco

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(Y/n)'s POV   

     We walked with McGonagall inside the castle. What if we heading to Dumbledore's office? Are we gonna get expel?

     Harry still had his broom and Neville's Remembrall while I had my broom and the statue's sword.

     McGonagall stop in front of a class, Defends Again the Dark Art class, she opened the door and poked her head.

     "Excuse me, professor." she said, "Professor Quirrell, can I borrow Wood for a moment?"

     Wood? Was Wood a cane she was going to use on us?

     "-and Flint."

     Maybe not.

     "Ye-yeah, of co-course." He shuttered.

     Two boys come out from the class while glaring at each other.

     "Potters, this is Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint. Boys, this is Harry and (Y/n) Potter"

     The four of us smiled awkwardly and draw a very curious face. What's going on here?

     "Wood, I have found you a seeker!" she said.

     "Are you serious, professor?" Wood asked. I don't know he's happy or worried

     "Wait, professor," Flint spoke, "are you serious on making first-year a seeker?"

     "Absolutely." she said crisply. "He's a natural. I've never seen anything like it. Was that your first time on a broomstick, Mr Potter?"

     I stood behind Harry who's nodding in confusion. What am I doing here, then?

     "He catch this ball before it hit my window." McGonagall added

     Wood now looking as though all his dreams had come true at once. "Ever seen a game of Quidditch, Potter?"

     "No." Harry answered simply.

     "He's just the built for seeker,too." Wood said while walking around Harry and staring at him. "Light- speedy- we'll have to get him decent broom, professor- Nimbus Two Thousand or a Cleansweep Seven, I'd say."

      "I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can bend the first-year." she said.

      Then, Flint come closer to me. "Why are you here, Potter girl?" he whisper.

      "I have no idea." I whisper back

      "Heaven knows, we need a better team that last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks." Professor McGonagall admited.

      Both, Flint and I giggled and said in unison, "Gryffindors."

     "Oh, yes. Mr Flint." she spoke, turning to us. "I have found you a beater! Miss Potter."

     "What?" both, Flint and I exclaimed.

     "Excuse me, Professor McGonagall, but, she a first year. No way she can be in the team! It's beater position we're talking about! She's a girl!" Flint argue.

The Potter Twin Who Lived  (Draco X Reader) (Book 1) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now