(Y/n)'s POV
The moment I opened up my eyes, I quickly wake up and looked around. I could clearly see that I was placed in the Hospital wing.
Soon after that, I could see umbledore walk over me. He stopped between to bed. Mine and Harry.
"Afternoon, (Y/n)," he smiled, "I hope you're feeling alright?"
"Yes, sir." I replied. "I feel much alive."
Dumbledore and Harry was starting to wake up. He put on his glasses, and sat up. He looked over all the cards and candy in front of me. Dumbledore approached him.
"Good afternoon, Harry." He said, " Ah. Tokens from your admirers?"
"Admirers?" Harry asked
"What happened down in the dungeons between you two and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows." Both Harry and me laugh as Dumbledore smile, "I see your friend Ronald has saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frogs, Harry and I believe (Y/n) don't have to bother eating her Sugar Quill as Mr Zabini already have it."
I looked in front of me to see a lot amount of card and candy.
"Oh, I'll have it back, sir."
"Wait-- Ron was here? Is he all right? What about Hermione?" Harry spoke
"How about Draco?"
"Fine. They're all just fine."
"But, what happened to the Stone?"
"Relax, dear boy. The stone has been destroyed. My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around."
"But how about Mr Flamel, he'll die, won't he?" I asked
"He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order." Dumbledore sat on Harry's bed, "But yes, he will die."
"How is it I got the Stone, sir? One minute I was staring in the mirror, and the next..."
"You see, only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it." He explained, "That is one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you two and me that's saying something."
"Does that mean, with the Stone gone,sir?" I asked
"Yes, how about that?" Harry conrinued, "I mean, that Voldemort can never come back?"
"I'm afraid there are ways in which he can return. Harry, (Y/n)." Dumbledore replied, "Do you know why ProfessorQuirrell couldn't bear to have any of you two to touch him?"
The both of us looked at each other and shake our head at the old wizard.
"It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark." Harry touched his scar. "No, no, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin."
"What is it?"
"Love, Harry, love." He said and stood up, looking at both of me and Harry. Dumbledore take an opened box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, "Ahh, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavoured one, and since then I have lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee..." He took a brown bean and eat it.
"I think that's an Earwax, sir?"
"Yes, it is." He smiled and turned, "I'll ask Madam Pomfrey about your release, Potters."
"Thank you, sir." We said together.
A few hours later, we have the permission to leave the Hospital Wing. We approached a room where up on a stairwell balcony Draco were reading a book and Hermione were talking to Ron. They stop when they see both of us and lean over the railing of the stairwell.

The Potter Twin Who Lived (Draco X Reader) (Book 1) [DISCONTINUED]
FanfictionHarry James Potter and (Y/n) Lily Potter are The Chosen Twin. They are The Twin Who Lived. The one who lived once they lost their parents who protect them when they're about one year old and a letter from a magical school arrive as the reach eleven...