Chapter 1

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Arnav Singh Raizada looked at the piles of photos spread in front of him, photos of models, pageant winners, bollywood actresses and few international celebrities as well. Those were pictures of tall scantily clad gorgeous looking women posing in different lighting and set up some more provocative than other. His PR head Saysha Motwani sat in front of him with a very satisfied grin, while his loyal assistant Aditya Reddy tried to peek at the photos in display.

"What do you think?" asked Saysha convinced that the task was accomplished.

"What do you think Saysha?" asked her boss glaring at her wiping Saysha's grin in a minute.

Saysha could have missed the disapproval in her boss Arnav Singh Raizada's voice few months ago. But now it has been more than 11 months since she started working for Arnav, so she knows that he was not even close to satisfied with her work.

"They are best models. Apt for our next venture DSR"

Even as she tried to reason, she knew she has to spend another sleepless week finalizing the model and reschedule the shoot that she over confidently organized for the week after.

"Adi what is our next venture again?" asked Arnav to his assistant but his eyes were directed at Saysha.

"Township for common man" Adi said trying not to make eye contact with neither of them in the room. He knew Saysha was in trouble. Dissatisfied boss is someone shouldn't mess with. So, Aditya reminded quiet most of the time to avoid any direct confrontation.

"Which part of common man don't you understand Saysha?" asked Arnav picking a random photo."This girl" he said throwing the photo at nowhere in particular" You think, with her sophisticated accent and bikini clad body, will convince common man to buy a house"

Saysha gulped water from the glass and looked at her boss worried. "I am sorr.." but her apology was interrupted by her boss.

"We are in INDIA do you get that? Bring me an unassuming Indian beauty for our campaign" Arnav ordered. "Now both of you get out and make sure I have flexes, flyers and TV commercial ready before next weekend."

No word said. Aditya and Saysha flew out of the cabin thanking the stars for not being buried by their boss that day.

When his staffs were out of the cabin and Arnav disposed all the photos in the bin. He turned to look at his younger sister who was looking at the scene amused.

"And that is how boss gets a job done. "He said tilting his head slightly in pride.

Niki Raizada waved her hand dismissively at her brother's attempt to teach her business. She stood up from the couch where she was sitting and walked towards her brother's huge mahogany table and sat in the chair in front of him. Her smile was determined with a hint of mischief. Her nonchalant smile bothered Arnav knowing his sister, she definitely had some schemes.

"If I solve your model problem, will I get to go to my friend's party?" she asked trying her best to copy her brother's business look.

"No" Arnav refused bluntly "A party in club? Hell No" he said scandalised

"Bhai" she wined

"Go home." Arnav waved at her dismissively

Niki looked at her brother pouting. Considering they lost their parents when she was 8 and he was 14, he has always been protective of her, sometimes to the point of being paranoid. To an extend Niki even understood his worries. When he stays out of home late nights or goes to his long business trips even she gets worried. But, not allowing a 21 year old girl to attend her friend's birthday party, even after agreeing that she will take the bodyguard with her, is obnoxious. Every time she tries to reason with him he only says "Baby don't you remember our pact? Bhai and baby against the entire world." followed by a brotherly hug and she will end up letting him boss her life.

"Fine" Niki said as she stood up stomping her feet to convey her disappointment "I am going home" she said faking angry voice, but that hardly fluttered her brother's decision he just waved bye to her.

Exactly six days after the incident in office, where Arnav declined his sister's help to find him a model, Arnav found himself standing before his sister's room knocking uncertainly. There was a lot of possibility that his sister had no model in her mind, but he was willing to take the chance considering that he had only five days left before the launch of the venture.

"Don't come in" he heard his sister's voice and he checked his watch.

Crap! He swore. It was 8.30 and Arnav was well aware what his sister would be doing now. She would be watching that good for nothing TV show where a douche bag loves a stupid girl and they never confess. In Niki's words ".... they keep moving apart and destiny keeps bringing them closer.........". Arnav could never live through a single episode. Constant tripping, catches, eye locks, monologues and what not only gave him a head ache once he tried sitting through the show with Niki for half an hour. The fact that after spending precious half an hour watching the crap she spends another few hours discussing it with god knows who in social media. Just thinking about it made him dizzy. Ignoring the unsettling feeling Arnav knocked once more, informed Niki that he was going in and then entered her room cautiously.

His sister was sitting in one corner of her room clutching her doll or Kishmish or whatever she calls it, while TV was showing the very show he has come to hate.

"I........" before he could say anything his sister shushed him showing her hand. Arnav dejectedly sat on the corner of her bed taking out his phone to check mails not wanting to watch the show.

After some minutes he heard his sister sigh, then the TV was switched off and she turned her attention to him. Hint of annoyance at being kept away from discussing the episode with her virtual friends were evident on her face.

"Yes bhai." she asked impatiently, as she didn't want to miss her chance discussing about the almost kiss her favourite on screen couple shared with her forum friends by wasting time with her brother.

"The other day you said you have a model in your mind for our new venture." Said Arnav. After his sister nodded at the memory, he continued. "Who is it?" asked Arnav putting his phone away and looking at his sister seriously.

Niki's face broke into a huge grin as she took her ipad from the side table, clicked few tabs and placed it in her brother's hand.

Arnav looked at the girl in the photo and he didn't need much time before recognizing her." Is she........"

"Yes Bhai, she is Khushi Gupta. Heroine of my most favourite TV show Dillagi." Niki said smiling as wide as humanly possible.

Ever since Niki turned 20, Arnav has been in constant attempt to teach her a thing or two about business. Though she never really showed major interest, he knew her business instincts are as strong as his. 'Runs in the blood...' he would say. So, now how much ever he hated the idea of doing anything related to that show his sister goes gaga about, he knew this girl, Khushi Gupta, can easily fit like hand in glove for their campaign. She is already popular, most of the Indian household knows her, and she looks very Indian with lively eyes and innocent looks. She could totally serve the purpose. He immediately sent Saysha instructions to contact her and he was very sure it would be a yes from Ms.Gupta's side. Who would not want to work with the Raizadas? Now he had only one problem, his over enthusiastic sister, who ever since he said that he is considering to cast Ms.Gupta in his campaign has been busy typing frantically in her laptop with huge grin. Arnav definitely smelled trouble.


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