Chapter 2

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No. Those were not eyes of a young girl who wanted to learn business. Those were eyes of a crazy fan girl. Arnav scratched his stubble with his finger looking at his sister unsure.

"Please bhai." she pleaded.

"It is a business meeting." Arnav reasoned

"I know and I swear I will not disturb you. In fact I will not talk to her unless you finalize everything." Niki said putting all convincing techniques she has mastered over years.

"Fine." Arnav said with little reluctance. "But don't come dressed like hippie. Business formals" he ordered before walking out of their home.


Arnav was not notified about the presence of Ms.Gupta by his secretary, Nia or his PR head, Saysha, but by the sharp gasping of his sister. He looked at his sister wondering if she was choking on coffee. Following her line of sight he spotted Ms.Khushi Gupta walking towards them. She was dressed in a light blue shift dress and her hair was perfectly curled and let free over her shoulder. She looked nothing like the girl from TV. Her lips curved into a full bright smile as she stood before him. Setting aside his hatred for the show that automatically has transferred to the actors as well, Arnav noticed she really looked pretty. Saysha introduced everyone present and they all soon fell into business talks just like Arnav Singh Raizada likes it.

"I would love to do it." Khushi said once the presentation on campaign by Saysha was over.

Khushi looked around the conference room as if confirming with everyone personally through eye contact that she enjoyed the ideas. When her eyes met Arnav's, she blinked as if assuring him.

"Great." Saysha grinned looking at Khushi. Soon her eyes passed to Arnav. Once she received a nod from her boss, Saysha sighed with content, as finally she can have peaceful sleep.

"I will bring the papers at once for you both to sign." Saysha said clapping her hand.

She sprinted away immediately taking Khushi's manager with her leaving Arnav and his little sister with Khushi.

Awkward silence. Arnav was a great businessman and though he was not much of a talker, he never stayed close mouthed with his business associates, not even models. 'Talking improves contacts and contacts are good for business' he would say. But for some strange reason he didn't know what to talk to Khushi. Maybe it was the fact that before he knew her as Khushi he has seen her as Sanjana the pea sized brain girl who falls every time hoping Suman will catch her in Dillagi. Maybe it is because he has hated Sanjana for past one year for corrupting his sister's brain with hope of finding a prince charming. Maybe it is because she is partly a reason for stealing most of his sister's evenings from him. Maybe it is because she looked extremely beautiful than the picture he has created in his head. 'What? Where did that come from?' Arnav chided himself.

"So..." he said clearing his throat." You are an actress?"  Arnav regretted as soon as that stupid question left his mouth.

Khushi gave him an amused smile before nodding a yes.

"Are you sure how modelling and campaigning works?" Great! Another stupid question.

"Of course, she knows.  She was a model before she came into acting" Arnav looked at his sister who till now was trying very hard to play invisible.

Niki looked at her brother and gestured with her hands as if asking permission to let the fan girl in her unleash. Arnav looked at Khushi, whose attention was now completely on his little sister, and back at his sister who was looking at Khushi dreamily.

"Sure." Arnav nodded low enough for his sister to hear. Niki with an excited squeak jumped from her place and immediately went beside Khushi.

"Hey, I am Niki Raizada, his little sister." She said pointing at Arnav who was dedicating his full concentration on reading the file in hand. "I am your biggest fan. I have seen like all episodes of Dillagi like 20 times. Your acting is awesome. You and Suman Haiyee!!!" Niki gave a dreamy smile imagining her favourite eye lock of Sujana, ship name for Suman and Sanjana.

Arnav was embarrassed with his sister's behaviour but Khushi only looked at Niki with a happy smile. Of course she would meet fans on regular basis and by now she would have been used to this type of behaviour. As Khushi looked at Arnav in between his sister's banter on how she will make her friends jealous with a selfie with Khushi, Arnav pretended to look at the phone indifferent to what the girls were discussing. Finally when Khushi left after photographs, autographs, fan meeting and of course signing contract, Arnav felt like his mind was exhausted like he had done two night sifts together at office. He just hoped he doesn't face this madness ever again.


Khushi loved modelling more than acting. Modelling requires less mental stress than acting. The kind of modelling she is doing for the Raizadas was a cake walk for her. Her costumes mostly consisted of very Indian and day to day outfits like salwar, skirts, kurtis and sarees. All of them she was comfortable with. Throughout the process of finalizing looks, Niki Raizada helped Khushi a lot. Such a genuine girl she was. Khushi instantly liked Niki for two reasons. One, for in spite of being a Raizada she was very down to earth and two, Niki was a safe fan not crazy but really adorable. At least she was not one of the fans who want her to hook up with Aryan, who plays Suman in her show. It is so embarrassing when fans think lead pairs of their favourite show should end up together. Aryan was her good friend but his wife Paulomi was like a sister to her. They both helped her immensely when she shifted to Mumbai after accepting Dillagi offer and now they are as good as family to her. This was the first modelling assignment she is doing after Dillagi and so Khushi was equally excited and nervous.

"Madam shot ready" she heard one of the ADs inform her.

'All the best' Khushi told herself


Khushi observed Arnav's expression clearly. The first set of photo shoot was done and now everyone was eagerly waiting for Boss's approval. Khushi personally loved all pictures they shot that day. But the elusive Arnav Singh Raizada was looking at all clicks with indifference. Once the last picture was shown Arnav said, "Umm". That is it. All the crew who were crowded around him disappeared.

'What!! That is it??'

Khushi asked one of the ADs what his reaction meant and she said," Mam sir liked it. If not then he wouldn't have said 'Umm'"

Khushi was thoroughly disappointed. Is that the way to appreciate hard work? However on the other hand Niki was more than compensating for her brother's lack of conduct. She was swooning around Khushi and showered praises after praises to the point of making Khushi blush. How poles apart are these siblings!


Arnav was driving back home from office. Today he visited the sets to monitor the proceedings of shoot. It was all going smooth. Arnav always takes marketing seriously and keeps an eye on how things work. He mostly works with same team and they know his style. So today when he 'Umm-ed' his approval everyone sighed with relief except Khushi Gupta. When he was looking at the clicks, she was looking at him with expectant face like she was expecting him to say something. But his 'Umm' seemed to have disappointed her for her face suddenly fell. Arnav for the first time wondered if he should have been more vocal about his appreciation.


This is a story I posted in indiaforums long back and had taken down. Now I am merely reposting here.

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