Chapter 4

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Niki Raizada found herself on Khushi's doorstep on the morning of the company's launch party.

"Surprise !!" she shouted soon when Khushi opened the door.

"Surprised." Khushi accepted inviting her new friend inside with wide smile and a bear hug.

"No shooting?" asked Niki as she settled in the couch sipping badam milk that Khushi's mother offered.

"In another hour." Replied Khushi, who sat cross legged on a chair opposite Niki

"Can I come to see the shoot?" asked Niki excited

"Err... Not today. Sorry, we are shooting a twist and no one is allowed except crew."

Niki fell back on her seat pouting mumbling, loud enough for Khushi to hear, "No twists shot when Bhai wants to visit."

"What?" asked Khushi though she clearly heard what Niki said

"Nothing." Shrugged Niki as she pretended to look around.

Rumours shouldn't be honoured with an explanation, but when people involved are delusional then definitely justification is must.

"Listen, Niki, those are just baseless rumours."

"Sure." Said Niki with an unconvincing smile

"What did your brother tell about the article?" asked Khushi casually. If Niki is taking a dig at the baseless article, then Khushi has to know what Arnav has told her about it.

"Just rumours they are, why do you want to know my brother's opinion?"

Khushi's jaw dropped down at the way her words were misinterpreted. "I didn't mean that. I don't want to know what your brother thinks."

"Sure." This time Niki said with a sly smile.

"Anyways forget it. Why are you here so early?"

"Well I don't know if those 'rumours' are true or false. I just know that my brother gave this dress for you and wanted you to wear it for the party tonight." Niki said handing a package to Khushi.

"Dress? Is it part of the campaign?" asked Khushi hoping the other possibility was untrue.

"Maybe." Niki shrugged. "But I don't remember bhai personally shopping for any models before." Added Niki thoughtfully after a deliberate pause.

"Your brother bought it personally?" asked Khushi not being able to contain her shock

"Yeah. Anyways got to go now, okay? See you in the evening." Niki walked few feet away then turned to Khushi with a pretty smile,"Not that you would want to know, but my brother likes when women let their hair down."

'One down, one to go' Mentally Niki said to herself.

"Bhai, why didn't you tell me that the party has dress code?" asked Niki as she called her brother immediately as she exited from Khushi's building and sat in the car.

"Because, there isn't one, Niki." Said Arnav

"Yeah!! Then why would Khushi message me that she is planning to wear red dress today?"

"How will I know, Niki? Perhaps your new BFF wants to colour coordinate with you."

"Duh!! Bhai Why would she want to colour coordinate with me. I am not the guy who she fancies."

"She fancies a guy?" Those words left his mouth before he could help.

"She is a girl, so she will obviously fancy a guy."

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