Chapter 37

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"So y'all think this the person who's finger was sent to us?" Cj asked as we made our way to my house.

"Gotta be, I mean ain't this a coincidence ?,maybe she here to give us a message or sum'" I stated.

We parked the car in front of my building before getting out the car,and heading inside the building. I made sure my gun was on me just in case this bitch tried to get crazy out of her mouth.

It took a couple of seconds for the elevator to come ,we made our way in and headed up, seeing Mel who was just chilling looking at his phone , while the woman stood there playing with her fingers....Well,the ones she had left.

I cleared my throat and as soon as the lady saw me her face lit up.

"Took you long enough." Mel stated.

I gave him the middle finger before mugging the lady that stood before me. "Who are you?,and why the fuck are you in front of my door?"

"I'm— i'm here to bring a message to you." Her voice sounded way too familiar,and I felt like I've seen this woman before ,I just couldn't remember where.

I looked at Cj and Meecho and Mel,who looked just as confused as I was. "Message ?what message ?"

"From Carl—" before she was able to finish her sentence I tackled her body against the wall.

"You're snooping on me ,for Carlos?" I said through gritted teeth with my hand around her neck ,choking her as she struggled to breathe.

"N—no" she started,trying to grasp for air. "No I promise, I wanna b—bring this message to p—protect you,it's my job to protect you." Her voice squealed as I could feel her struggling to breathe.

I released my hand from around her neck as her body dropped. She held her hand to her neck before looking up at me.

"I don't need no fuckin' protection, I got all the protection I need." I said,referring to Cj,Mel ,and Meecho.

She was catching her breath before she shook her head "no,this happened." She showed me her hand with a missing finger "because I was protecting you."

"I don't understand what your saying ,so get straight to the point,ion' got time for these fucking games." I backed my gun out on her.

"Lu,wait just hear her out." Mel said, grabbing the gun away from me.

"It's me.." she said as her eyes got watery. "Your mother."

My face softened as I felt my heart drop.

"Oh shit." I heard Cj mumble.

I just looked at her before shaking my head. This wasn't my fucking mother,my mother died a long time ago,Ion' know who the fuck this lady was.

"I suggest you leave before I amputate more than just your fucking finger."

"Camille plea—"

"LEAVE!" I shouted,pointing towards the elevator.

She looked at me,before looking at the guys standing behind me as tears fell down her cheeks,and she walked away.

I felt myself being on the verge of tears but I managed to stop ,as I turned around making eye contact with the guys.

"Lu, I knew it was her because she told me when I asked her who the fuck she was,but I wanted her to tell you herself."

I sniffed , "it's aight. She's lying anyway,my mother died ...Carlos is the reason she's gone." My voice cracked.

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