Chapter 3- How I Met You

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'There I was, Looking at the only girl I ever wanted while she sleeps with her injured foot. As creepy as that sounds... It was my first time to ever act this way around someone. I never even thought that  I could fall in love with her so easily' I said to myself, admiring how peaceful (F/N) slept. I carefully reached my hand to her soft cheek; not taking any chances to look away... 'A skilled fighter with beauty of a thousand roses. I couldn't be happier to have met a girl like her.' I sighed, feeling a small smile gently creeping on my lips from admiring her. 'The day we first met, huh?'...

~~~~ Flashback!~~~~

I went to Erwin's office to tell him that my squad died at the last expedition. Erwin was sitting on his office chair while I was sitting on the sofa, my arms and legs are crossed with my face more gloomy than usual. I actually wanted to cry for my dead comrades, but I just couldn't let my self do it... I guess I'm used to see people dying everyday. It's sad... But you can never run away from the truth...

"Are you okay Levi?" Erwin asked

"Yeah." I replied with a sad tone. I took a cup of tea, holding it the way I usually hold, and took a sip.

Erwin closed his eyes and sighed." may I ask a favor from you then?"

I put down the tea cup and replied"what?"

Erwin smiled and calmly said."can you please train with a trainee I know? She does not have a partner in hand to hand combat"

I raised my eye brow saying "why not just ask another trainee to partner with her... I might accidentally kill her if she trains with me."

Erwin looked at the window and smirked.

"This girl's technique is quite special, she might be able to defeat you..." he added with a small chuckle. He's got to be kidding me. But ironicaly enough, I couldn't help but be curious...

" fine."

-----the next day!-----

The trainee squad started their hand to hand combat training. I realized a girl just watching the others fight.

She has (H/L) (H/C) hair with (S/C) skin looking so soft. her Eyes were (E/C), 'she looks really cute' wait, what the freaking hell am I saying?!?

And yet so familiar... I felt like I've seen her before. She looked almost like...

'Promise to never leave my side, okay?'

'What the heck. Why am I remembering that little girl now? F*ck it Levi, forget about her, she's dead.'

Erwin went towards her and they both went to me"Levi, this is cadet (F/N), (L/N)"

Erwin looked at the girl"(F/N), this is corporal Levi , he will be your partner in hand to hand combat today."

The girl saluted "umm... Thank you for volunteering sir, I appreciate it."she said with a cute high pitched voice.

'how the hell can a girl this cute be as strong as me?...The F*ck is happening to me?!?! Why am I saying all this Sh*t?!?'

"Hurry up. I don't like wasting time." I replied with my expressionless face.

The other trainees saw us about to fight, they gathered around wanting some action. One of the crowd began talking on who will win.

" I'm betting on (F/N)!"

" (F/N) is going to win this!"the two said.

"but isn't that short guy a corporal in the scouting legion?"the other said.

"he is not just a corporal, he is Humanities Strongest Soldier!."another one said.

" Im betting for you SHORTIE!!!"Hanji said.

The crowd started to cheer as we started to fight.

I started to give her a swift kick, surprisingly she blocked it with one of her kicks. I then quickly swung my fist towards her stomach, but again, it was blocked by one of her punches.

My eyes widened when I realized that The two of us were using the exact same attack at the exact same time. Her style was...

Almost like mine...

-flashback inside of a flashback-


"I told you, concentrate on the enimy!"


I kicked her with my left leg but she dodged the kick and she gave me a hard punch on my stomach. she was surprisingly fast that I had no time to dodge

"Not bad." I muttered to her with a smirk. I was actually surprised that she gave me a rather impressive punch.

But I cant just loose to a trainee.
Since her style was a lot similar to mine, all I need to do was to guess what happens next. That's my advantage.

I started to become more serious with the fight. She was about to give me a high kick but I grabbed her ankle with my right hand leaving her leg to be useless... she started looked a little bit irritated and started to deliver a punch. But before she can land it on my face I grabbed it with my left hand, leaving her trapped and unable to move.

"Tell me, who taught you how to fight?" I wispered close to her ears. But In return, she tried to release her self by pulling her arms off my grip, but instead of her being free, she lost her balance causing the both of us to fall to the ground.

It took me a second, to realise that, I accidentally fell on top of her leaving my lips attached to hers.

She pushed me as hard as she can but failed to do so. 'knowing how strong she is... its actually weird that she can't lift me...' I thought as I took my lips of hers.

when I got of her. I immediately saw her face turn crimson red. Reaching my hand towards her, wanting to help her stand up, "that was an interesting battle. Let's do this again some--"


"Pervert!!!" She yelled, causing all the cadets to look directly at me. She then left covering her face..

"So, who won?" hanji came looking at me being curious as usual, waving an ice pack  to me. I took the ice pack and placed it to my swollen red cheek.

"Tch... no one." I simply said, placing my thumb on my lip. "But, if you count this injury, then I guess she won."

"Well, You did stole a kiss from her, so I guess you are both tied!" hanji added, looking at me so idiotically.

"She still doesn't have the right to do that." I stated.

"Although, I'm quite curious to know who trained her." I added.

"You... liiiiiike her~!" Hanji teased.

"Shut up!" I replied.

:-------flashback over!------:

I laughed a little while I recalled the time when (F/N) and I first met. 'What a stupid way of meeting someone for the first time...' I placed my hand on my cheek that she once had slapped, feeling relief that it hadn't left a mark on my face "tch. I still can't believe that, that she could slap that hard." taking a glance of (F/N), I raked my fingers through her hair, smiling gently, once again.

'Promise me to stay alive, take this dagger and get out of here!!'


The past is still haunting me until today...


Thanks for reading!!! :D


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