Chapter 4- Decisions...

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Levi grabbed your hands, with his silver gray eyes locked on yours.

"(F/N), I have to tell you something important..."

"W-what is it Corporal?"

" do you like Eren?"the short man asked with his eyebrows lowered.

"what?"you said with a shock.

"because... if you do, I have no choice but to kill him"

"CORPORAL?" you woke up from that crazy dream and combed your fingers through your hair. you glanced around and realized that you are not in your room

you immediately blushed when you remembered what happened during your last meeting with the Corporal. and took the blanket off in front of you  and saw the bandage that was on your foot,

you did not feel any pain when you tried to walk so you figured that it was already healed.

you searched around the room if Levi was still there,  you couldn't find him any where. but, you were able to find a note on the bedside table. you took the note and opened it as you sat down on the bed

Dear (F/N),

            By the time you read this, you are probably thinking of where I went. I went to Erwin's office for a meeting with the survey corps. your clothes are in the closet, I left some bread on the table for you to eat. you can use the bathroom if you need to, and don't forget to lock up when your done.

ps... call me Levi, and you don't need to salute every time you see me.

I Love you (F/N).

- Levi Ackerman

you smiled after reading the letter and completely blushed, after wards. But went in complete shock when you turned your sight on the bedroom mirror, surprisingly, your clothes were different; A simple white t-shirt with gray shorts. Even though, you didn't remember changing your clothes last night.

A shade of red was starting to show from your cheeks in thinking that the small-man was the one behind this. "N-No... Maybe I did change my clothes last night!" You guessed. "O-or maybe Levi called Mikasa last night, Y-yes... t-that must be it!" you muttered to yourself.

So, instead of getting stressed from that thought, you just decided to stand up to take a bath at  Levi's bathroom...

as you enter you can easily smell the soap that Levi uses, making you feel like he really was there.

after you took a bath, you searched  for your clothes at his closet. you saw your clothes all clean and folded and wore it.

suddenly, you heard your stomach growl. and you remembered what the note said. you took the bread on the table and ate it.

After you ate and ready to leave. wait, I can't just leave without even saying  thankyou... you thought, so you took a pen and piece of paper and wrote down a thankyou letter to the Corporal.

after you wrote the letter, you locked up Levi's room and left.

you were about to go to your next class but you realized that your jacket was still in your room. so, you went to retrieve it.

when you entered your room, you saw your jacket lying down on the floor and wore it. you went to your next class, luckily you were not late this time.

by the time you entered, you were greeted by Mikasa and Armin.

"(F/N)!" Mikasa came rushing towards you looking so worried."what did that chibi do to you?"

"(F/N), what did the Corporal do?" Armin asked curiously

"well... nothing much, he just helped me with my injured foot, that's all"don't blush... don't blush... don't blush... that was all you were thinking after replying to them.

"Hey, umm... Mikasa, did you drop by Levi’s office last night?" You asked.

"Huh? No, not really. Why?" She replied.


suddenly, someone gave you a tight hug from behind. since you were still shocked, you hit his stomach with your elbow causing him to let go of you, then you kicked his shin causing him to loose balance and fall.

" ouch (F/N)! that hurts!"

you opened your eyes and saw Eren on the ground.

you helped the boy stand up"sorry Eren!"

Eren smiled while he hugs his  stomach that was still in pain "its okay (F/N), its good to see that your still strong as ever!" he laughs

Mikasa went to Eren, with anger on her eyes."Eren!, you should stop surprising (F/N), you know she gets shocked so easily" Mikasa said to him while giving him a pinch on his ear.

"stop it Mikasa! I was just having fun, You should try it sometime..."Eren whined.

you laughed as you watch the two siblings fight.

----time skip!----

it was already lunch time.

Mikasa was still training and Armin was still at the library.

you and Eren were the only ones who aren't busy, so you two decided to eat lunch together.

at the mess hall, while you were eating with Eren...

"I still can't believe Mikasa did that to me in public!" Eren said, while crossing his arms.

"well... you should know better than to hug people from behind." you said playfully.

Eren blushed and became silent for a moment,"(F/N), I want to tell you something," he came closer to you and held your hand softly.

Making your face turn pink.

as soon as Levi saw that pink shade on your face, he jumped out of his seat and came towards the both of you.

Levi grabbed Eren's collar with all his might until Eren's feet wasn't touching the ground.

"Make her face turn pink and i will make your head turn red!" the man said angrily.

you wanted to stop Levi from almost  choking Eren to death"stop it Levi!"you yelled.

Levi wants to ignore you but he couldn't, and lets go of Eren making him fall to the ground.

"talk to (F/N) again and you will be on cleaning duty until the day you die. Understand, Jeager?"the short man growled.

Eren tried to stand up while he breaths heavily and said."No, I don't understand at all!, why would you punish me for just talking to (F/N)?"

Levi wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him."that's none of your business jeager!"

Levi started to carry you on his shoulder. "Now if you excuse us, we still have something important to do" he added.

you squirmed "let go of me Levi, I need to help Eren!" you said looking very worried. being you, you cannot just do nothing when your friend is in trouble.

Levi stopped and put you down. "Thanky-" but before you can Finnish, Levi gave you a vicious glare.

" You have to choose. Me or Eren?"

hi!, its me again :3

I just came to tell you guys that I will only update... 1-2 times in two weeks, but don't worry, I'll try to update earlier when I have some time (and I've got plenty of time xD)

so please look forward for the next chapter!...

----thankyou for reading!!!-----


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