Set Who?

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It's been a couple of days now since the whole blow up with Set. Owen and I have been sharing the bed together while Set claims to be in his office all night doing work. It's maddening trying to get him to come talk to us. He simply brushes us off by telling us as soon as his work's done he'll come see us but he never does.

Rue and Kaya have been keeping in touch through our link. The stories of their prolonged trip are amazing and some times hard to understand when Rue's telling it. There seems to be a lot going on with them but until they've figured everything out they've decided to only tell us bits and pieces of what's happening. As long as they're safe nothing else matters right now.

Looking up I see a dejected Owen sitting cross-legged on the bed just staring out the window. I doubt he realizes it but every so often he'll just sigh sadly and say nothing. I hated seeing him like this and it's not only Set's fault but on some level ours. Owen shouldn't have brought up Horus like that but Set shouldn't have run off and left us for so long.

If anyone asked I would protest and deny everything but truth be told, I miss him. I miss everything about him when he's not here. His eyes when they light up as we walk in the room, the smile he flashes us anytime he has something mischievous he'd like to do, or even that death glare when we make fun of him. I miss his smooth like honey voice, his touch, and that spicy scent that just screams Set. I miss it all.

"I miss Set." Owen whispered, finally breaking the silence.

"You read my mind babe." I replied climbing onto the bed behind him. Pulling him into my lap, I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me.

"I miss his obnoxious laugh and the way his eyes crinkle in the corner when he smiles too hard. I hate this feeling." He groaned.

"It reminds me of the time they separated us." I told him.

"That's exactly what it reminds me of. We've evolved since then though we're not crying yet."

"Liar. I heard you last night." 

"Yo-You heard that? I thought you were asleep!" He spun around to look at me.

"Do you really think I could sleep without Set around? The best I get is an hour or two of peaceful rest. The rest of the night I wake up every couple of minutes to see if maybe he's come into the room to at least check on us."

He hadn't though. Not one of those nights did he come into the room to see if we were sleeping alright or if we needed anything, nothing. I would confront him but the only time we saw him was when we bumped into him in the kitchen around breakfast or lunch. Neither of us knew where his office was and he wasn't saying anything.

"I couldn't either. I know mates sometimes get mad when they're mate checks out another guy or girl but usually they make up right? Aunt Jenny always checks out other guys and even rates them and Uncle Devon doesn't get this mad. Could it have been something else we did and don't even know about?" He questioned me sadly.

"I don't know. We'd have to talk to Set about that and the only way to do that is for him to come out his office for more than five minutes at a time." 

"Well how are we supposed to get him to do th-" Owen began but was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

Both out heartbeats picked up at the prospect of it being Set. My wolf began bouncing around happily inside me, yipping and barking like a pup. It never crossed our mind that Set would never knock and that he didn't have to use the door either because the thought of Set being back was all that mattered.

"Can I come in?" Came a voice that was definitely not Set's. Owen's body slumped more into mine knowing that it wasn't our mate. My temporary good mood dropped as well as I answered him, telling Horus to just come in.

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