Just Fluff and Stuff.

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We had now maneuvered around so that Owen was sitting in my lap, as tempting as ever, with his feet being skillful massaged by Xerxes. Who knew that Declan's wolf was so skilled at foot massages? Every so often Owen would let out a little grunt or moan of contentment and that was the most noise we had heard from him since we escaped.

"Maybe we should get out now? We've been in here for at least an hour now." I tried to reason with them. It was the second time I had tried getting them out of the cooling tub but neither of them wanted to leave. 

'Five more minutes?' Owen pleaded and how can you say no to such a sweet mate?

"Fine. Five more minutes and then we need to get out Love." I replied.

'Thanks.' He practically purred as Xerxes hit a magic spot causing him to moan aloud.

"Yeah, we should get out of the tub right now before I take both of you tempting little minxes right now." I groaned. Although Xerxes and Declan shared the same body they were different. Declan wanted to be loved but at times didn't know how to say it so it came out in surprise bursts of passion and love. Xerxes, however, knew what he wanted and that was his mates. He was possessive and demanding and didn't like anyone besides us. 

Owen just sat there in my lap the entire time and that was enough temptation for me. His soft body cradled by my own as the warm water sloshed around us lazily. I kissed the back of his head and his neck multiple times but I had to stop there because I was tempted to take it further. I knew he wasn't healed enough for that type of play no matter how much I wanted him to be.

"Alright it's time to get out now." Xerxes announced standing up revealing his hardened body dripping wet and I almost died right there. This wolf had no shame and it was killing me.

"Oh Ra! Please, go get a towel before the two of us have a heart attack." I groaned as I wrapped my hands around Owen's eyes who instantly began to protest.

"Is there something wrong?" He questioned looking down at his body and then back at the two of us.

"Yes! You don't have a towel covering you." I hissed as I stared right at his manhood. What I wouldn't do for a taste of th-

"I never use a towel." He replied leaning his head to the side causing him to look truly innocent and making me feel guilty over my naughty thoughts.

"You always use a towel." I replied.

"No, Declan always uses a towel. I'm a wolf, I run around in the wild and let nature dry my fur." He answered while climbing out of the large tub. He shook his body sending stray water droplets flying off of him and onto the two of us and the rest of the bathroom as if to prove his point.

"Does that mean that you'll be tempting us further by not grabbing a towel and wrapping it around your waist?" I questioned.

'I don't want him to cover up!' Owen whined in my mind.

"Shush you." I chastised Owen who was acting like a horned up pup.

"Is that the problem?" Xerxes teased as he stepped closer to where I was sitting in the tub still instead of where the towels were now resting on the edge of the sink. He leaned down and pushed his face forward so that our noses were only inches apart. His eyes bore straight into my soul and I'm sure my heart skipped several beats just staring at him.

"Y-Yes..." I muttered.

"Do you not like seeing your mate like this?" He questioned, his voice deliberately low and husky. He was definitely doing this on purpose. "Is it because I am not your Declan? Do you only love my mortal counterpart?"

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