Chapter -7

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It's Monday and Avni was all ready for the office. She is scared. It's all new to her. Avni has decided to start as a trainee so that she will learn how the system works.

Avni went to church for prayer . Since Father Xavier was in Mysore she had called him up and told him the news.

Avni came back had breakfast with her family . Neil and Mishti tried to lighten her mood by cracking joke in between and pulling her legs.

Avni was dressed up in a light blue cotton chudidar with white duppata neatly pinned on her shoulders.

" Avni be confident. Don't be nervous. You have a panel to support you. "

" Neil  please don't reveal my relationship with you to anyone." Avni pleaded

" Why Avni?" Neil asked

" I don't want any special preference in the office. I want to know how a normal trainee will be treated in the office. If my identity is revealed then all might fake their behavior. I want to know the truth."  Avni convinced Neil

" Yeah that's good." Neil was inpressed.

She left to office.

In office
Avni entered the office

Receptionist: Yes , How May I help you?

Avni - My name is Avni . I am here for training. I was asked to start from today.

Receptionist - Yeah . You will be reporting Mr. Sundhar. Please wait here for a moment. Let me call and check .

She dialed a number from her intercom and connected to him

Receptionist- Sir , Miss Avni has come for the training .

Other person- .........

Receptionist- Sorry ma'am You'll have to wait for 15 minutes.

Avni - That's all right.

Receptionist- Ma'am we have a cafeteria here . Enjoy the refreshments there if you want. By the time sir will be ready.

Avni- Thank you.

She left to cafeteria

In Sundhar's cabin:

Sundhar is in late 40s . Stout man , bald headed, missing one tooth. Arrogance clearly written on his face.

A girl is sitting on a chair in front of him.

Sundhar - If you obey whatever I tell you then you will have a successful career. Else your career will be destroyed. You got me??

Girl ( with fear in her eyes) - Yes Sir.

Sundhar- Whenever I call you you'll have to come to my cabin.

Girl - Yes sir.

Sundhar- Now massage my head.

Girl - Sir ???

Sundhar- I said massage my head now.

Sundhar gets a call from receptionist stating that Avni has come

Sundhar- You can go for now.

' let me see how this new girl will be. If she is better than this one then I'll make her surrender herself to me.' Sundhar thought in his mind.

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