Chapter 17

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" What are you saying Neelamma?" Neil asked shockingly to Neela.

" I am telling you truth. You always ask about my family right. Hear my story." Neelamma replied.


Neela is a widow with a daughter varsha. She is married to an orphan Ajay who was her lover from college. Ajay has become a journalist now.
Neela agreed for their marriage wholeheartedly as it mattered her daughter's happiness more than anything.
She was pregnant with her first baby and was happy like any other couples would.

She went for her consultation with Dr. Brinda Nalwa . At 14 week the doctor told her that her baby's heartbeat became weak and if she doesn't abort it, it will be dangerous for her health. She was unwilling to do so. But from constant pressure from the doctor she decided to do so. Ajay was away from the place for an assignment and his phone was switched off.
She called Neela too but she was in a case discussion at that time.

She decided to take the step and in that process she lost her baby and life.

Later on with further investigation they got to know about the doctor. But they were unable to prove it. So Ajay decided to collect evidences
The doctor's goon killed Ajay to prevent him from collecting evidences.

End of flash back.

Neela was crying and Neil was shocked.

He decided to give justice for the mothers who lost babies.

" Avni get ready " Neil asked Avni

" Why Neil? Where are we going?" Avni asked Neil.

" We are going to meet a new doctor." Neil announced.

" Oh good. I have been telling you for long that I don't want to meet Dr. Nalwa. " Avni told him enthusiastically.
" I will change and come."

She happily got ready and went to visit the doctor and she was happy after the consultation.

Neil collected the doctor's and cosmetic companies executives conversation. But everything was coded .
So Neil and Neela decided to take a risk.
It was 14th week an Neil decided that Avni will meet Dr. Nalwa again .

Avni was confused with his decision.

" Avni you trust me right? " Neil asked her.

" Ofcourse . I trust you. "

" So please do it for me. Not only for me it's for many mothers like you."

" I don't understand anything. Please tell me what's going on."

" Avni , just trust Neil. We will explain everything to eyou later." Neela assured her.

" Keep one thing in mind if she will says something about aborting your baby don't let her do that okay? She will try and pressurize you. But don't budge okay?"

" Maa I am getting confused." Avni told Neela.

" Don't worry Avni. We will be with you." Neela assured.

After some persuading she agreed and visited the evil doctor.

They set a camera in middle of her top so that they could capture what's happening in her office.

" Avni.. come. So it's your 14th week . This is a crucial time. This times scan will tell about the baby's future. "
She started with her sweet smile.
Avni frowned at her statement.
After the scan the doctor plastered a worried expression on her face.

" Avni the baby's heartbeat is really weak and the baby's growth is also upto the mark. I guess it's a case of placental failure. The baby is not getting enough food through your placenta. Also the fluid level is also decreasing. It will be better if you abort this baby."

Avni's breath hitches for a moment.

" No doctor. I can't do that." Avni pleaded the Doctor.

" Avni you are still young. You can get pregnant again. If you go ahead in this pregnancy then it will be dangerous for your life." She used the trump card ie fear. Fear for life makes man to do anything.

But Avni being Avni didn't budge. She decided not to abort the baby.

" Okay. In that case take this medicine. Let's see if we see any progress. Good luck." The doctor was disappointed but she tried to hide it.

Avni took the medicine and left the office.

Neil and Neelamma was witnessing everything in their car which was parked in the parking lot.

Avni reached them. She was sweating profusely.
" Neil ...... Neil ..... She ....she ... she ... asked me... she asked me...."  Avni was fumbling with words not knowing what to say. She broke down in front of him.
He held her tightly onto his chest. She cried her heart out making his shirt wet..(@

" Shhhh..... don't cry. I know what she asked you to do. Avni I want you to be strong. She has tricked many mothers like this. We need to take her to the law. "

Avni was taken to her gynec now . She was taken for scan. Avni was waiting eagerly for the result discussion.

" Your baby seems fine. Continue your medication. Keep hydrated and eat fresh veggies and fruits. " the doctor told her.

" Doctor the heartbeat and baby's growth?" Avni asked her.

" Everything seems fine Mrs.Khanna." Doctor answered.

" Thank you Doctor." Avni and Neil collected the report and then they headed to their home while Neela asked them to stop in front of Sanjay's office.

Neela took the medicine which Dr. Nalwa had given Avni and asked Sanjay to test the medicine. He assured to give the result by night.

They headed to Avni's house. Neela and Avni rested in the sofa. Neil moved to his study so that he could watch the video collected.

" Avni why are you so silent? Tell something." Neelamma asked Avni.
Avni hugged her tightly.

" I got really scared ma.. for a moment I thought that whole world has stopped. The sand under my feet was losing. "

" Shhh... Okay Avni.. it's over. You won't face that moron again Avni.. you and your baby is safe. We will protect you." Neela assured her.

Neil who came back from his study found this scene.

"I'm sorry Avni. But I had to do this so that we could prevent her from spoiling many lives further. I can't be selfish Avni, just to safe our baby and you. If possible please forgive me for making you pass through this stress." Neil sat on the floor next to Avni holding her hands.

" Neil.... I'm proud of you for what you did today. Had you just saved me I won't be feeling the same . It's your big heart that make me fall for you again and again. You are too good. You are my pride Neil. Why should I forgive you when there is no mistake of you? This stress is nothing. I feel sooo happy that I was also part of this to save many mothers like me. Many might have lost their happy family because of that monster. " Avni's answer made 3 hearts swell in

" Mamma.." Mishti Who was in the door heard everything and ran to her mom and hugged her tight. Avni kisses her everywhere on face.

" Only few days more... many mothers will get justice."  Neil declared.

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