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The car screeched to halt in front of AvNeil's house.

Neil opened his door and moved towards the house.

Avni and Mishti followed him silently. They still didn't understand what's the mistake they did to get such a response from Neil.

" Neil I don't know what went wrong. I don't know why you are angry on us. We can't figure out our mistake. Please Neil. Tell us what's wrong and what can I do to rectify it."

Avni spoke after she was fed up with the silence.

Neil dragged Avni and Mishti to the hall in front of the family photo.

" Bebe, Dad , mom , bhai bhabhi. See what Avni has done. What preaching has she done.what did she do with Mishti. If you were alive I don't think Mishti would have behaved this way."

Avni felt a pang in her heart. She felt sad hearing that from Neil. Tears started welling in her eyes. Avni bend her head unable to take what Neil just told her.

" Now I realize why Fr. Xavier told that God has planned everything for our welfare. If Mishti was raised by bhabhi she would have behaved like other girls who watched how her friend was ill treated by her classmate. Avni had done a good job raising her into a bold yet caring girl. I hope every parents raise their daughters just the way she had done."
Neil continued speaking to his family.

Avni raised her head and looked at Neil in surprise.

" What did you think wifey? I will scold you because the principal and Mrs.Ahuja  told that you were wrong . If entire world stand against you and point their fingers on you I'll never leave your side. You can never be wrong.This is my promise. " Neil told Avni sincerely while holding her both hands.

Avni  cried on to their hands. Mishti hugged her from behind.

" I am proud of you Mishti. You reacted rightly so that no one does that in your school. And thank you Avni for raising our daughter to be bold and caring. " Neil said.

" Neil it was my duty to teach our daughter to safeguard her and her fellow beings from danger. No need to thank me. I did it for our daughter." Avni replied .

" You are the best most that anyone could ever have. I have heard many moms telling my friends you are a girl you have to behave accordingly. I have never heard such a comment from you mamma. I love you for that. You never made me feel that I am weaker when compared to boys in my class. You made me feel that I am equally strong.  Thank you for becoming an angel in my life.

Mishti hugged her . Neil joined his family.

" Neil , what happened inside the office when we were out?" Avni enquired curiously.

Neil smiled lovingly at both mom and daughter.

" A little curious are we , right? " Neil asked Avni


Neil's POV

I was called by the Principal to her office.

" Mr. Khanna you should tame down your wife and daughter." The principal complained .

" Ma'am please tell me what happened?" I asked her politely.

" Your daughter practiced her martial arts on my poor son. Now his arms got fractured. When your wife was called in instead of confronting Mishti she started arguing with us. What culture does she have? Where did you get that girl from? culture less lady . " Mrs. Ahuja told angrily.

" If she had done that then there must be a valid reason behind it. I know my wife and daughter. They wouldn't make such a move unless it's really necessary. Tell me what happened. And regarding her culture, she is cultured and well mannered than anyone. Don't make me tell about your culture. What culture you posses was evident from how you talk in front of principal and a teacher " I told Mrs Ahuja.

" Sir , Rohit was trying to touch Aarti inappropriately. While others were just watching it Mishti reacted. She confronted him and when he provoked her she beat him and caused fracture to his arm." Ms. Basu told me.

" Then why did you try to punish Mishti when he is one who deserves punishment?" I was confused.

" Why should my son be punished? He is of small age. In this age these things are normal only. Should not take these things that serious. He is a boy. He will have this feelings. It happens in this phase. " Mrs Ahuja told.

Ms. Basu was looking shocked hearing this.

" If Aarti raises a complain against your son, he could be imprisoned for up to 3 years and a fine to be imposed under IPC 354 A.  Mrs. Ahuja , instead of correcting him you are encouraging him blaming his growth phase . This is completely wrong. Instead of finding fault with my daughter and wife you should have done a self analysis on yourself and your spoiled son. You should try to teach him good. When will you get time for that. You are always busy indulging yourselves in parties and in club meetings. I'm not telling that these are wrong. But you should always find time for your kids. Find time to teach them good, talk to them , hear them , have patience. Why is there an increase in rape in recent times? It's because parents are busy earning money . They don't have time for kids. Buying everything for the kids is not enough. Find time for them. "
I talked back.

Ms. Basu nodded her head agreeing to what I said. She looks like a nice and polite lady.

Mrs. Ahuja was kind of looking scared by now hearing imprisonment and punishment.

" Ma'am shall I leave now? " I asked principal.

" Yeah you may leave now. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you and to your family. I apologize from my bottom of heart for whatever I told to your wife and daughter. Please convey the same to them. I was biased because they are on of the trustees of our management."  The principal told me.

" Ma'am you are a Principal. The students believe that if they caught up in a trouble they can reach you . But being biased you just broke that trust . You shouldn't have blindly supported him when clearly he has done the mistake. That too a grave one."

The principal bowed her head down in shame.

" I am sorry Mr. Khanna. I am ashamed of myself for doing that. "

Mrs Ahuja walked out with her son not paying attention.

Mr. Ahuja came forward and joined his hands in front of me.

" I am sorry sir . I know my son has done mistake. Sorry to bother your daughter and wife. Your wife has done a good job raising your daughter to fight for justice without bothering others. You should be proud of her. "

Mr Ahuja talked sincerely.

"Mr. Ahuja  take care of your son. Correct him before he turns into a criminal. You can do that . I see a lot of goodness in you. Have patience and you will turn him into a good person." I told him.

He thanked me and left the office. I too came out from office after biding bye.

End of POV

End of flashback

"This is what happened.." Neil told

" Neil you scared hell out of us. " Avni told him with a complaining tone.

" I love you my tigress." Neil hugged her

" Dada....." Mishti started in a teasing tone.

Avni tried to push him away. But Neil being adamant tightly hugged her more.

" Dada you don't have IPC section for this? Leave mamma or else I will have to use my martial arts for this?" Mishti raised her eyebrows when she told this making a karate pose with her hands.

" Run you little monster. " Avni told her while she hugged Neil back.

Mishti ran to her room giggling.

To be continued

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