Chapter Twenty

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Long chapter ahead because idek why tbh. x

I'm going to make it 17 votes for the next chapter. 

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Louis refuses to eat dinner that night and stays upstairs. He plays with his phone, hoping that Harry would respond to his text and hopefully take him out of his lonesome misery.

He hasn't seen or heard from Harry for a week. Louis is always weary of him, and it's not helping Louis at all knowing he's probably too imperfect for Harry Styles. He's too imperfect for anyone, even his troublesome twenty-year-old sister, who decided to surprise Louis yesterday when she announced she's staying home for a few days.

She met Phil for the first time yesterday, and they're cooperating, so far. She didn't feel comfortable around him - she told Louis. She's somewhere of the unknown, probably out in the backyard trying to graze grass for a small fire. Louis should try find her. He's bored out of his mind, and his growling stomach is close to making him want to binge on junk food.

He wants to take the ute out, maybe with Harry. Maybe to release some fireworks for their yearly tradition. Maybe to sit in the moonlight and admire every little star, including those in Harry's eyes. Maybe to create a New Year's resolution with Harry. He didn't create one this year, and he's slightly disappointed in himself for not doing so.

It's ten o'clock, and Louis tries for him again with a text message and call. Harry doesn't answer, and it leaves Louis groaning and slamming himself head first into the bed pillow. He has nothing to do, This might be the worst way to enter 2011.

He's tired by the time it's eleven o'clock, and Louis has officially given up on trying to get Harry's attention. His saviour comes along with a barging into the room, Laika simpering to Louis on the bed and cheering for him.

"Louis!" She calls loudly. "C'mon, let's take the rugs and go to the meadow!"

Louis shakes his head and moans in distress. "I don't wanna--"

"Louis, c'mon. It's the first time I've seen you in ages," She grins with her voice sounding needy. "Babe, c'mon. Be a good little brother and come with me."

Her coaxing and soft puppy eyes of joy didn't make things easier. Louis takes his duvet from the bed and runs with Laika out to the paddock, walking down a trail to the green meadow. It's freezing tonight, and Louis is sure rain, or even snow, is set to come in by mid-January. He drops to the plants on the floor with his sister, both huddling each other with the duvet wrapped around their shoulders.

He's worried about his stomach and how it might growl loudly enough for his sister to hear. He never wants to tell her about how he's stop eating frequently, Laika would worry. Louis begs for his stomach to cooperate. Both cuddle and look at the stars together, spotting the dipper, and some other useless constellations.

He remembers himself and Laika out here when they were little. She'd always bring marshmallows and peanut cups. Louis misses their times together so much, and since Laika's not home anymore, Louis misses her a whole lot more than anything else in the world. Louis didn't know how much he really did love her until she left.

"We haven't even spoken properly since I got back," She whispers to him. "I've noticed you're heaps quieter around mum now, Lou."

"Why do you think?" He bites back harshly.

"I know it's hard. It's hard for me too. I miss dad a lot."

Louis sighs and hugs his sister's arm. "Me too."

"I would go all around the world to find him if I could," Laika admits. "I miss him so much, Louis. I didn't know that night before dad and mum called it quits was going to be the last night I spoke to him."

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