Journal: The Entries: without WiFi

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Wattpad Journal:

The Entries: without WiFi

Day 1:

We lost the wifi connection and I'm slightly startled, they said there will be people repairing it on monday. There was a storm and something happened, Idk.

Day 2:

My connection miraculously returned for 5 seconds (Of Summer ;3)  and I got five messages on Wattpad but I can't read them, but they are showns as the notification thingies. My friends will probably kill me when my internet returns...if it does.


Today was a holiday therefore no one came to repair.

Day 3

Another day without WiFi.  I was told that my relatives from Germany will come home tomorrow. Today and tomorrow's the weekend therefore no one will come repair the wifi. I still secretly hope they will come today.


In the evening my ant, uncle and cousin came earlier, yay!

Day 4

I spent my day talking to my cousin about videogames. I also got some perfume I never heard off.


Today was Sunday and no one came to repair the wifi. My cousins cousin also visited and we played CoD and made fun of people. He also gave me a bro-fist which made me extremely happy.

Day 5


People should come repair my WiFi today! Yas! My cousin will also go to a birthday party... without me ;-;


Today sadly no one came. They were busy they said. They would come later they said.

Day 6

I redecorated my room today and listened to a lot of bands. My cousin was packing because he goes to the beach tomorrow.


Again no one came. We didn't bother calling. All we can do is wait. I also drank Cockta today. Good stuff.

Day 7

A famous explorer once said, you're extraordinary because of what you do, not who you are.

Wow I've been watching way too much Ginx TV...the Wi-Fi returned for a moment



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