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You'll know exactly when to play the song

She kissed Leo.
She kissed Leo.
She kissed Leo.

No. No no no no. He kissed her. But she kissed him back. She fucking kissed him back. And she liked it. She liked it a lot. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. She can't even bare to look at herself. She's so so pissed at herself and Leo. Oh Leo's audacity.

Looking down at herself, Billie begins to freak out. She feels guilty. So fucking guilty. She has to tell Joker. She has to. So she stands and walks into his office. There's so much that she has to say but then she sees him. Leo. "What are you doing here? I thought you were with Sebastian". "Yeah. That's kind of why I'm here. I came to see you both actually". Immediately, the worst thing imaginable comes to Billie's mind. "Oh my god, he's okay isn't he"? "Yeah. He's fine. He's actually with my mom right now". "Your mom? Why is he there"? Billie walks further into the room and sits just beside Joker as Leo explains his actions. "He's safe there and he can be protected. Not like today. Had I not been there I have no clue what would have happened". "What do you mean? What happened"? "Amanda and her entire squad raided the place. They shot Doc and stole all of his files. Almost like they wanted to make him disappear. He's in the basement right now. Mikey's taking the bullet out". "Where was Sebastian as all of this was happening"? "Upstairs. I grabbed him and hid him in the van. I couldn't just leave Doc there, so I brought him with us". "You left my brother defenseless whilst Amanda and her psychotic ass friends were roaming around with guns. Way to strategize Leo".

It's happening again. Her eyes are turning black and those veins are making their appearance. She's so pissed at Leo for a plethora of things and she just wants to rip his tongue from his head. But then Joker is grabbing her by her chin and scolding her like she's a misbehaved puppy. "You're getting angry at the wrong thing Billie. So I suggest you lose the eyes and calm your ass down". She glares at the man before her and tries to calm down, but she can't. She just can't. "Did you not hear what I just said"? "I'm trying. They aren't going away". She looks up at Leo and she just has the the urge to hurt him. So she stands and slaps him before walking away.

Once she leaves the room, she walks to her own room and climbs out of the window to sit on the roof. It's chilly outside, but it feels nice to her. It's helping her eyes go back to normal. God she wishes they didn't do that.

As Billie sulks on top of the roof, Joker is sitting and staring at Leo. "Why are you-". "I know what you did Leo. I should kill you. But you're my best man, so I'll just make this very simple and leave you with a warning. If you ever kiss her again, I will tear your lips off and pluck every tooth from your head. Do you understand me"? "Yeah". "Good. Now go to your mom's house. Take care of her brother and don't disappoint either of us or I'll let her do as she pleases with you". Nodding, Leo takes his leave.

Joker stays put though. He has to find a way to punish her that won't make her freak out like last time. But this time, he wants to be in control. Not a voice. So he thinks on it until he finally gets the perfect idea. He's gonna do exactly what he told her he would. Standing, he goes to their room and sticks his head out of the window. "Get down from there and come talk to me". Obeying, Billie slides down and steps back inside. "Talk to you about what"? "The fact that you and Leo kissed". Billie's eyes go wide and she frantically begins apologizing. "I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't kiss him. He kissed me and I ran away. Please please please believe me". He gives her that fake pout she's become so accustomed to and begins to wipe the tears falling down her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. "Oh sh sh sh. I understand baby. But you still kissed him and I can't really let that go. So here's what's gonna happen". He pauses to tuck her hair behind her ear and kiss her tear soaked cheek. "I'm going to do exactly what I told you I would and after, you're going to promise me that you'll never ever kiss anyone else but me. Okay"? At her nod, he begins to grin. This isn't a grin she's seen in a while. It's the grin he gave her the first time she ever met him. The grins she knows means trouble. "Come on. Follow me". He takes her hand and takes her to the attic. A place he told Billie to never go near.

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