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As she sits in the safety of her warehouse, Amanda watches everything crumble to pieces. She'll admit it, she played dirty. But in her defense, she thought she was losing. She can't let that happen.

Joker was merely in the way. He has what she wants and she got sick of the tug of war. So she simply took him out of the equation. Sure Billie will be upset, but she'll also come out of hiding and when she does,  Amanda will be ready.

It wasn't meant to end like this. Amanda had her in her grasp all along. Had Joker just minded his own business, she wouldn't have had to get her hands dirty. But unfortunately, things didn't work out like that. He took what belonged to her and now she simply wants it back.

The myths about Billie tell of this force made of light and dark magic. Only a blood ring can control her. Unfortunately, the only one in existence lies on Billie's finger. It's gone to waste and so has Billie. She doesn't even know what she's doing. She has no help. Only when her emotions get the better of her can she do some real damage. There was a scream that sounded throughout Gotham. It wiped out satellites, cracked roads, shattered windows and created an entire blackout. That only scratched the surface of what Billie can do. She just needs extra help.

It's not like Amanda would kill her. Not when she needs her. But she is willing to kill anyone that gets in her way. All she really wants is for Billie to be on her side. She'd be unstoppable. Everyone would have no choice but to listen. And that's all Amanda wants. For people to listen and head her warnings. She's sick of living amongst filth and poverty. She knows she could fix this hell hole, but she needs Billie's help. Quite frankly, Billie is on her last chance. If this fails, Billie can die at the hands of her lover.

"It's romantic. Isn't it"? The intern looks to Amanda and shrugs. "I guess". "No. Don't guess Nathaniel. Know. To die at the hand of your one true love is such a beautiful way to end". "You think The Joker is going to kill Billie? His princess? His entire life? I don't see it happening". "Oh. Have I forgotten to tell you? I erased her from Joker's mind. He doesn't remember her existence. He's also going to die soon. I give him days. Three at the most. Billie should be dead by then".

Nathaniel doesn't see Amanda's vision. If she needs Billie, what's the point in killing her? What does Amanda know that he doesn't? "So, what's the point in killing her? I thought you needed her". "I do. But killing her won't mess up any part of my plan". "What do you mean"? "This is all preordained, Kid. We're on the game board and the end is so close". Game board. She sounds just like him. Always talking about life like it's candy land.

"Preordained"? "Everything has already been set in stone. I control nothing. This, Nathaniel, this is fate". Hardly. It's a woman obsessed with something she can't have. Something she won't have. "You really think Joker is gonna go down"? "Though he has a problem with staying gone, it's over for him. Those drugs I pumped in him are enough to kill a T-Rex. It's an agonizing death. First the blood turns black, it runs cold and it feels like all the warmth has been sucked out of your body. Then you begin to throw it up. After a bit, you become aggressive. Get this boost of power and for ten minutes or so, you're strength is like nothing you've had before. Then you begin to seize. Choke on your own blood and then you die. I have the only cure and there's nothing Billie can do about it. Not while she can't use her magic against him. They can't win this one. The war is over".

It's nearly just begun.

Billie's powers have grown since she's last dealt with Amanda. She knows more now. More than she ever thought she would, but not everything.

"Are you ready"? "Yeah". Billie walks in with Yauna, the sight before her sending a chill down her spine. Joker is covered in black vomit and paler than ever. He sits, chained to the steel chair with a piece of tape over his mouth. But even still, Billie can tell he's smiling. Not his sweet smile either. "Okay. I can do this". "I'll be right here if anything happens". Nodding, Billie walks to him and straddles his legs, each hand going to the sides of his face.

There's no guarantee this will work, but at least she can say she tried. Leaning her head against his, she starts to let her magic flow. It's mainly lights at first. They surround her and Joker so beautifully. Yauna has never seen anything like it. "Is it working"? "Stay focused, B". Putting more energy into it, she makes the lights burn brighter. They're nearly white. Blinding almost. They spin around and compact as they swarm into a globe around the two. They squeeze one last time before disappearing into nothing.

Looking up, Billie sees the black bile is red. It's the normal color of blood! "Yauna. I think I did it". Peeling the tape away from his mouth, Billie feels the slightest bit of hope. Maybe it worked. Maybe she actually healed him. "Daddy"? Looking up at her, Joker snarls. "Get off of me and get me out of these things. Never call me daddy again". "Bu-". "Get the hell off of me"! Jumping off of him, Billie starts to hyperventilate all over again. "Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I didn't do anything. It didn't work. It didn't work. What do I do? What do I do"? "Relax, B. Relax. You can try again. Just relax before you blow a fuse". Nodding, Billie takes deep breaths before trying again. She stands behind him with her hands in the same position as before.

It looks different this time. All the light is coming out of her hands and bouncing off of Joker's head. "Try to remember everything. Remember us". Shaking against his bonds, Joker tries to wiggle away. He's had enough of people doing things to his mind. "Get. Out. Of my head". The lights bounce off of his head and push Billie into the air. Landing in her back, she sighs. This is so pointless.

"B, are you okay"? Ignoring Yauna's helping hands, Billie stands and walks over to Joker. "I'm trying to help you! Everything I do is for you"! "I don't even know you". Wiping at her glossy eyes, Billie sniffles. "Yes you do. You do! You put a ring on my finger! You carved your name into my hip! You got me pregnant! I don't know what drug Amanda gave you, but it made you forget over a years worth of memories. Memories of us. And now it's killing you. I just want to undo her damage before it's too late, but you aren't letting me".

Glaring into her soul, Joker laughs. "If there's anything you people should know by now it's that I don't know how to fucking die. The world has invented many ways to kill me, but they all failed". "Just let me help you". "I don't think you quite grasp how badly I can hurt you. Unite me and I'll give you a head start". Shaking her head, Billie looks at him. Big heart broken eyes and a shaking lip. "Why do you make everything so hard all the time"?

Watching Jokey closely, Yauna takes a friendly step towards Billie. "B-". "Don't. I'll try again". "You can try again tomorrow". "There might not be a tomorrow". "There could be. You need a break". "No". "B. You're going to hurt yourself. What you just did could have broken your back. You flew up really high. I'm sure you have a concussion. Let's just get you some water and you can try later".

Everyone seems to be on edge. But not as bad as Billie. Billie is a wreck. A complete wreck. Her brain is filling with anxieties and she can't breathe. She hates all of this. She just needs more time. So much more time.

Looking in the bathroom mirror, Billie decides a few things. First, Amanda sucks. Second, Amanda is going to pay. Third- ding dong. Groaning, Billie drags herself to the door and swings it open. Seeing no one there, she starts to close the door, but freezes when she sees the brown sac. Grabbing it, she walks back inside and settles on the couch.

Dumping out the sac, she's annoyed to find a book. A book she's sure only she can read. Flipping the book open, she notes the electricity that runs up and down her fingers. "Stupid magic". She looks it over until she finds a marked page.

Blood for blood and all shall be undone.

What the hell does that mean?

Where the hell did this thing even come from?

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