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Here is the next segment for Not Worth Losing You for Datastorm December, Lost. And I'll give you a hint, it's not both Yusaku and Ryoken lost together.

Ryoken still can't stop shaking since yesterday. His fear of the Light Ignis keeps getting worse and worse. The more he thinks about that Ignis, the more his fear keeps growing and growing. He just wish Yusaku never told him about how he might lose a duel to it, then he would of been fine.

"Ryoken-sama?" Ryoken jumped in fear and he turned around to see who it is. He thought it might be the Light Ignis, knowing his identity, but it was just Spectre. He sighed in relieved.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked in a worried tone, "You're trembling so much. It's not like you to tremble."

Spectre can't know that Ryoken is afraid of the Light Ignis. So he had to lie to him. "I'm fine, Spectre. It's just a little chilly in here is all."

Spectre gives Ryoken a stare. "Ryoken-sama, it's a beautiful day outside. It's not even winter outside."

Damn. Ryoken forgot that Spectre checks the weather news daily. "Right. I've forgot about that."

"Are you sure you are feeling okay, Ryoken-sama?" Spectre asked, "I've never seen you like this before."

"I'm fine. I swear."

"You don't look fine."

"It's probably your imagination."

"Ryoken-sama, I think I'm a bit too old to be imagining things."

"Well then-"

"No, I do not need glasses. My eyesight is fine."


"Do you need to lie down for a bit?"


Ryoken's eyes suddenly widen. He never outburst at one of his comrades or his knights before.

Spectre was kind of surprised when Ryoken shouted at him. It's not like him to do something like that.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of shouted like that," Ryoken said, kind of looking tired, "I'm just not myself lately. I'm just going to go take a walk and maybe I'll feel better." So, Ryoken walked towards to the other side of the room.

"Ryoken-sama, the door outside is that way." He heard Spectre say, but he wasn't going to go outside. He was going to New Link VRAINS.

Once he is logged into Link VRAINS, Revolver pulls a cloak out of his inventory box and puts it on it. He doesn't want people to recognize him as the cyber terrorist that destroyed the original Link VRAINS.

He begins to walk around New Link VRAINS for a little bit. He looked around the places for a bit too. These has change a lot since Playmaker defeated him in the duel and the Tower of Hanoi was destroyed. People around here are very happy and enjoying the duels so much. They have no idea about the Light Ignis' war against them.

Just the thought of the Light Ignis is making Revolver tremble even more. Even during the walk through New Link VRAINS, he is still afraid of the Light Ignis.

Next time, you're up.

Revolver still remembers the words the Light Ignis had said and yet he still doesn't know who it was referring to, and he still thinks that he is up next. Those words keep repeating in his head, over and over.

Revolver looks around in panic if the Light Ignis is here to duel him already. He's not ready to duel him. He just can't.

He then begins to breath rapidly as he starts to have a panic attack. He falls down to his knees and his trembles are getting worse and his panic attack keeps on growing.

Some people in New Link VRAINS notices Revolver's sudden panic attack and they all went to him, asking him if he was alright. They don't even recognize him already.

Revolver's panic attack keeps getting worst with all of these people hovering over him if he's alright and the Light Ignis in his mind, it's just too much for him.

Revolver manages to get his breathing under control and then, he just suddenly snaps.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I'M ALRIGHT, OKAY?! I'M NOT SCARED AT ALL!!! I DON'T NEED YOU PEOPLE TO WORRIED ABOUT ME!!!" And with that, Revolver gets up and he runs off.

Revolver doesn't know where he is running off too, but he does know that he needs to stay away from people that might notices his fear.

When Revolver stopped running, he had no idea what area he is at inside of New Link VRAINS. He might of gotten himself lost, which is probably a good thing for him, because nobody would ever find him.

Soon, Revolver leans onto a wall and slides down to the ground in a sitting position. He then removes his visor off of his face and throws it to the ground. He covers his ears trying to get the Light Ignis' voice off of his mind, but it didn't work.

He feels like a little kid again. Cornered in a dark place, covering his ears, and is in fear. Just like how he reacted to the Lost Incident, but he didn't have to hear 6 kids scream in pain all the time.

He felt so lost right now. Actually, he lost all confidence he had inside of him. But mostly importantly, he lost himself...

Meanwhile, somewhere in New Link VRAINS, Playmaker and his allies, Soulburner (Takeru Homura) and Blue Maiden (Aoi Zaizen), are looking for any traces of Lightning since their last encounter, but no such luck.

"Let's split up. We'll meet back here if he find anything."

Soulburner and Blue Maiden both agreed on Playmaker's idea and they all split up into different directions.

Playmaker looks around New Link VRAINS to find any clues about Lightning, but then he notices a figure down below in the ally. He recognized the figure as Revolver.

Playmaker wondered why he is down there, crouching down like that. So, he went down there and check up on him.

The Lost Segment is now done. Please comment on what you guys think about it. And tomorrow, I will posted the Found Segment of Not Worth Losing You, concluding this story and Datastorm December.

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