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Here is the final segment of Not Worth Losing You, Lost, for the final day of Datastorm December. Enjoy!

Revolver had no idea how long he has been in that position, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours, but he knows that he hasn't stop trembling at all.


Revolver flinched when someone said his name. He isn't going to look up and see who it is. He feared it might be the Light Ignis ready to duel him and absorb him away.


He covered his ear super tight, wishing that the voice would just go away. But the hands pulled them out of his ears. He then shuts his eyes really tight, begging this to go away already.


Revolver opens his eyes when the voice called out his real name. Nobody knows his real identity, except for Spectre, Faust, Baira, Dr. Genome, and...

He looked up very slowly and sees Playmaker, looking at him with a concern look.

"What are you doing here, Playmaker?" He asked.

"I saw you in the alley while I was trying to find any clues of where Lightning could be," he said, watching Revolver trembled more when he said Lightning's name, "I found you like this. I have never seen you like this before. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Playmaker," he lied trying to make sure Playmaker doesn't know about his fear for the Light Ignis, "I don't need your concerns."

"You don't look fine, Revolver," Playmaker said, knowing that Revolver is lying, "tell me what's wrong."

Revolver is annoyed of how Playmaker knows that he's lying. Yusaku must be a honest person, but somehow he's always covering his identity as Playmaker. "I am not telling you what is wrong with me, okay?" He said.

"Don't be stubborn, Revolver, just tell me, please."


"I'm worried about you, tell me."


"Revolver, please, just trust me..."

Revolver is pissed off. Did he really have to tell him about his fear for the Light Ignis? He really doesn't care. If he can make Playmaker stop bothering him.

"Do you want to know what's wrong with me? Fine! I'm afraid, okay?!" He admitted to Playmaker, fury was made on his face, "I'm afraid of the Light Ignis!"

Playmaker was surprised of how Revolver said it and he was also surprised of how angry Revolver is.

"I have never been afraid of the Ignis before! Even when your stupid Ignis of yours bite my arm off after you defeated me in our duel, I wasn't afraid of it! But the Light Ignis, I'm afraid of it! I'm afraid that he might come after me, challenge me to a duel, and I might lose, and he'll take my consciousness away, just like he did with Jin Kusanagi and Blood Shepard!"

Revolver had tears in his eyes as he continues on. "You did this to me!" He glares at Playmaker. "Because of you, I am in fear of the Light Ignis! I was fine and confident, but you just had to tell me how dangerous and powerful he is! It's all your fault that I am like this, Playmaker! I hate you! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!"

Revolver pulls his knees towards his chest and he buries his face in them. He doesn't want to see Playmaker's face at all because of what he told him. He doesn't care if Playmaker says that he is a special person, he still regrets of sending his father to prison. He cause his father to die, and now he made him fear the Light Ignis. He will never forgive him for ruining his life.

Playmaker didn't flinch when Revolver blames him for what he told him yesterday. He was just concern about him. He cares about him so much. He need to fix him and he knows just what to do.

Playmaker bends down on his knees to Revolver's level, and he hugs him gently. Revolver was surprised by what Playmaker just did. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"10 years ago, before the Hanoi Project, whenever I'm upset about something, my mother would sometimes hug me and I would feel better," he told Revolver, as he tries his best to comfort him, "I sometimes miss parents a lot after the Lost Incident. I sometimes wonder if they are still looking for me, but I think about them a lot. Revolver, I know what I said about Lightning made you scared of what he might do to you. We are all scared of him, but we have to be brave if we all want to stop him."

Revolver didn't say anything, he keeps listen to what Playmaker has to say. "I know you, Revolver, you may be stubborn, yes, but you are strong and powerful, I may have beaten you, but your deck can be powerful sometimes. I don't know if you can or cannot defeat Lightning, but I'm afraid of losing you too him. You are the reason why I am fighting, Revolver, and if you lose to Lightning and he takes your conscious away, I don't know what I will do. It's not worth losing you to someone like Lightning. But I'll be there by your side if he ever duels you. I'll do my best to protect, Ryoken."

Those words suddenly made Revolver calm. For some reason, when Playmaker is there, he just stopped being afraid of the Light Ignis.

Tears soon started falling from Revolver's eyes, and for a few seconds, he hugs Playmaker back and he started to cry, very softly, but Playmaker hears him, and he doesn't care. He just stands there on his knees and rubs Revolver's back for a little bit to calm him down.

After a few minutes, Revolver has finally stopped crying, and Playmaker pulled him away. "Feel better?"

"Yes. Thank you, Playmaker. I needed that."

"I'm glad. Just please don't worry me so much when something is wrong with you, okay?"

"Just don't tell my comrades that I cried, and I'll cancel our truce against the Light Ignis."

Playmaker smirks for a bit. "Good to see you back to normal. You should log out, I'm sure that your knights might be worried about you."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'll log out once you go back to your search for the Light Ignis."

Playmaker nods. Then all of the sudden, he kisses Revolver on the forehead.

Revolver blushes when Playmaker did that. He was speechless. Playmaker pulls away and looks at the blushing man. "Sorry. After I calm down, sometimes my mother kisses me on the forehead, knowing that I am fine. I didn't mean to do that to you."

Revolver looks away from Playmaker, looking a bit flustered. "Don't ever do that again... If you do, then I'll do something more than just dueling you."

"Noted." Playmaker gets up begins to walk away. "I'll see you soon, Revolver. Hopefully." He then jumps up and his D-Board came as soon as he lands on it and he continues to look for any traces for Lightning.

"Hey, Ai." He looks down at the Dark Ignis, who hasn't said anything when Playmaker was talking to Revolver. "Thank you for giving us privacy. He kind of needs some comfort."

"No problem, Playmaker!" Ai said in his usual way, "So, when's the wedding between you and Revolver?"

"Shut up."

Revolver watches as Playmaker leaves on his D-Board. He then touches his forehead of where he kissed it. He smiles a bit. Thanks to Playmaker, he had finally found his confidence, but most importantly, he found himself.

He then gets up, picks up his visor, and puts it back on his face. He thinks about Playmaker. Maybe it won't be so bad if he joins Playmaker and his group to fight the Light Ignis and stopping the war. His biggest concerns are how Soulburner, Blue Maiden, and Ghost Girl will react to this.

With that, Revolver logs out of Link VRAINS and he will continue to do what he had been doing. Keeping an eye on Playmaker and his allies.

And that concludes the end of Not Worth Losing You. I hope you enjoyed this story. And I hope all of you Datastormshippers enjoyed this Datastorm December. Thank you for reading this story and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas (And yes, I know it's still too early for Christmas, but I just love this holiday).

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