Ok so I've never told anyone this but wen I was like 6 or 7 I was really good friends with this boy who lived close to where I did.
He was in my class back then.
We hung out like everyday and we'd play really weird games
Like we would play that he was a witch and I was a prisoner or something.
And he'd always do reallyyyyg weird things
Like there was a couple times that he'd like squeeze my butt and stuff? I'd get like really uncomfortable
He was like a year younger than me and we were really young and I didn't think much of it but I was still soooo uncomfortable.
And like a couple times he like would pull my trousers and look at my underwear or butt or whatever.
It just made me so uncomfortable and I used to have to see and talk to him like everyday cuz he was really good friends with my best friend.
Like last year I saw him everyday and I couldn't get that out of my head so I was always really uncomfortable.
Idk if that's sexual assault or harassment or something but we were so young idk if it counts. I just know that he knew what he was doing when he did it.
I still see him sometimes and I think he might have forgotten but I can't like forget that cuz it's just so weird.
I don't think I've told anyone this cuz it's so awkward
Yeah well thanks for reading haha thought I'd finally tell someone even if it's weirdos on the internet haha jk