Unikitty Headcanons (4)

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The Almighty Doom Lords!!!

1. Full names:
• Master Doom- Madelaine Esther Doom
• Master Malice- Maurice Nelson DeGrey
• Master Hazard- Heath Eflamor Burnson
• Master Misery (sorry I don't quite know the gender) - If male- Jeremy Eison Curry ; if female- Miranda Seline Curry
• Master Fear- Fergus Weapor Scariton Jr.
• Master Pain- Penelope "Penny" Sandra McCain
• Master Plague- Eagor Bert Montage
• Master Papercuts- Piper Joe Carter

2. The Doom Lords love taunting Master Frown's birth name, and claiming Unikitty is his crush (while she actually is) when she stands up for him.

3. Their meetings are weekly. Held on Saturdays, from 8.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. . They would later go out for brunch together, as they play a game, where the one who picks the shortest toothpick will pay for the taxi fees. As for brunch, they go Dutch.

4. Pain, Fear, and Hazard are said to be the best among the Doom Lords, if not counting Doom in.

5. Doom decided to give each of her workers (and herself) multiple copies of their cloaks ever since Frown's incident during the events of 'Stuck Together'.

6. None of the Doom Lords hold grudges towards Frown. They're just mad because he ALWAYS turns up late during meetings.

7. Some personal information:
1) Master Doom
• Has a younger brother named Mason, and his twin, her younger sister named Madison
• An expert on the violin
• Makes a cool mezzo-soprano
• Can volunteerly grow hair above her head
• Able to shapeshift
• Considered among the closest towards Frown, but not the meanest- no one is
• Was among the most beautiful girls in her high school during her schooling years, very popular among the boys- especially Papercuts, who was three years younger than her, but has a massive crush on her (he still has)
• Born in a rich family, hates to brag about it, since she finds no purpose of doing so and it's very lame
• Was once the winner of a beauty pageant during her late eighteens

2) Master Malice
• Has a younger sister named Melissa
• Loves yoga
• Loves to eat
• A good base singer
• Best friends with Hazard and Misery
• Harbours a shy crush on Misery (if Misery's a female)

3) Master Hazard
• Has a younger twin brother named Hurth
• Can actually speak normally
• A great baritone
• Able to change into various forms and disguises including a 'non-flamy' version of himself
• A distant cousin of Master Fear's
• Best friends with Malice and Misery
• His colleagues loves toying with his cute little wings, in which he's uncomfortable and disgusted about it
• Able to perform incredible stunts with his flight abilities

4) Master Misery
• Has a younger brother and a younger sister, named Kyle and Kate respectively
• Able to change gender if needed, but mostly prefers to be female
• Owns a sparkly pink dress at home (Shh!)
• A great alto singer
• Best friends with Malice and Hazard
• Unaware of Malice's crush on her and views him as just a friend
• Loves to meditate
• Able to play the piano
• A maths genius
• Has beautiful eyes and a look of a cute teenager of her early fifteens without her cloak

5) Master Fear
• An only child
• Looks old but is actually about the same age as his colleagues
• Always dehydrated
• Must always drink two glasses of water within an hour or he'll end up like the look he has in the show. It does not do any harm to him, but he claims that he looks 'scarier' that way
• Has a huge huge HUGE crush on Pain before confessing to her and officially dating her
• A gymnastics expert
• A great tenor singer
• Is distant cousins with Hazard
• Total lovebirds with Pain, much to others' disgust at times
• Considered the closest to Frown, along with Doom, Pain, Plague, and Papercuts
• Has his own fears, but dare not tell

6) Master Pain
• An only child- and has a cousin named Rachel
• Was aware of Fear's crush on her and now they're total lovebirds
• An awesome soprano
• Considered one of the closest to Frown and treats him like a younger brother. Frown admires her a lot and even considers her as an elder sister
• Is a year older than Frown
• A very dramatic person
• A gymnastics expert like Fear
• Shows interest in opera
• The most beautiful among her superior and colleagues. Doom was very curious about why she never joined a beauty contest like she did
• Born in a wealthy family like Doom. Considered her best friend
• Loves flowers- especially daisies, thus Fear's nickname for her- "my darling daisy"
• A pun expert who often gives Frown lessons
• Has a very soothing and angelic voice which could calm down even the toughest of hearts
• Has a channel where she gives helpful and satisfying makeup tutorials. Fear is her very first subscriber

7) Master Plague
• Master Frown's best friend along with Master Papercuts
• Has an older sister named Evelyn
• Makes a great baritone
• Has smooth and spiky blonde hair
• Considered charming and cute by his superior and colleagues
• Considered the most talented among the Doom Lords. He could play more than six instruments and is multilingual. He's currently learning Portuguese and Russian
• Very playful and mischievous, yet also very cool and calm
• Also talented in sorcery and necromancy

8) Master Papercuts
• Easily the cutest and most adorable among the Doom Lords
• Is best friends with Master Frown and Master Plague
• Has harboured a huge crush on Doom since his schooling days
• Has a younger twin sister named Pippa
• A major bookworm
• An amazing tenor, but is better at making background noises (mostly cute and adorable ones)
• The apple of the Doom Lords' eyes
• Pure and innocent
• Always leaves others with an "Aww~"
• A juggling expert
• Although he's at the lowest level of the Doom Lords, and he doesn't do quite a good job- due to his clumsiness, he's Doom's absolute favourite- cuz' he's just too cute. The others didn't care mush about it, though. I mean- who doesn't love cute little Doom Lords? They love him as much as Doom does!
• Is actually very good at origami

Hope y'all like the headcanons!
I might update this if I have more ideas.

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