8. Emoji starters

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//found on tumblr! Not mine

Send 📞 for my muse to call yours.

Send ⚔ to challenge my muse to a duel.

Send 😢 for my muse to comfort you.

Send 😘 to see my muse's reaction to yours flirting with them.

Send 📺 for our muses to have a TV/movie night.

Send 🍸 for our muses to have a drink together.

Send 💪 for our muses to workout together.

Send 💤 to wake my muse up from their nap.

Send 🍔 for our muses to have lunch together.

Send 💢 for my muse to get mad at yours for something they did.

Send 😓 for my muse to apologize to yours for something they did.

Send 💋 to randomly kiss my muse.

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