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Back to the pleasure house, both of them in the best of moods, Marina asked for Dolores' advice, so they sat down to have a tea and talk at the empty small parlor. The girl didn't beat around the bush: she didn't think they could find out Castillano's whereabouts before he was taken to land, and then the only way to get to him in order to set him free would imply whether cunning or violence.

"And you don't want to turn to violence," Dolores said.

"As much as I can help it. That means I need to find a way to see him, and at least a chance to talk to him, in Spanish territory. The danger lies in my complete ignorance about your ways and habits. I'd give myself away in a heartbeat, which could cost the Captain his life."

Dolores flashed a sly smile that took the girl aback. "Leave it up to me, pearl. But we need to get ready. Which means leaving a trace that must start right here, in Maracaibo. So those we deal with in Veracruz can't question it."

"We, ma'am? You intend to come with me?"

"I've spent my whole life subdued to men's whims, pearl. I didn't dare to accept the help you offered me, and that only caused me more pain and humiliation. It's time to seek a little reparation for my hurting pride. And helping you save the Captain is the perfect chance to turn all the rules they forced me to abide by against them. Take me with you and I promise you'll have at least a chance to save him."

The girl agreed happily.

While they made their plans, the women of the house took Marina as their pet. They bathed her, dressed her up and sprayed her in perfume. They made her wear light sandals with soft linen clothes to protect her feet. They wrapped a white silk hairdress around her head to cover her cropped locks, and they sewed to it small shiny trinkets, which added a gipsy touch to her Mediterranean beauty that suit her wonderfully. Morris was appointed his official porter, and Marina had him take her all over the place.

Laventry couldn't believe his eyes when he finally left his bedroom—the best in the house—and found Marina in the kitchen, chopping greens for lunch with the women, laughing, no trace of fever. As soon as he showed up, Marina sent him to wash his face until he was wide awake. Then she made him sit down with her and explained Dolores' idea to him.

As the first step of her plan, Dolores wore her regal dress and left the house after lunch with her maid. A bunch of Laventry's men escorted them, under pain of death if they strayed as much as an inch from their orders. Morris walked her out. He kissed her hand and met her green eyes, not glad about letting her go. She smiled at him before turning around to leave.

Harry came back soon after with good news for everybody. The plunder exceeded their expectations. And Dolores and her maid had joined the important prisoners at the Governor's palace, and it looked like nobody doubted that she'd spent the night hiding in her residence's basement with her maid, until a looting party had found them and taken them there.

Laventry saw Morris walk by with Marina in his arms and waved them over to the main parlor, where he was having a drink with half a dozen pirates.

"Come, come, little pearl. Sit here with me, because the Spaniard told me a funny tale last night."

Morris circled their table and sat Marina on a loveseat a few steps away.

"Order away, Admiral," she said.

Before Laventry could argue the moniker, the pirates liked it and adopted it. And Laventry had no choice but accept it, because it stuck to him for years to come.

That afternoon at the pleasure house, he turned in his chair to face the girl with a serious frown. "Is it true you sank two frigates and damaged another, with only the Phantom and your crew?"

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