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As I keep running I saw my school, then saw the doors closing,...CRAP THE DOORS ARE CLOSING!

"NO," I saw Kakashi, "WAIT! KAKASHI, DON'T CLOSE IT PLEASE!" I shouted out to him.

Kakashi stopped and saw me running half way to the doors, he smirked and slowly started to close the door.

"Wait Kakashi!" I shouted again, "Don't close it! Iruka gonna kill me for being late!"

"Not my problem, Naruto. You're always late!"he shouted back as he closed the door completely just when I got there.


"NO IRUKA-CHAN!!! Come on in, Naruto! I want KakaIru to last forever, " kakashi said as he opened the door.

"Thank you, bakashi! See ya in third hour!", I ran pass him all the way to class. I ran in, "I'm sorry I'm late, Kakashi-sensei needed me to do something." I shouted as i walked to my seat and sat down.

"Naruto, see me after school" iruks glared.


"No buts!"

Everyone in the class, but Iruka and naruto, laughed.

"Silent! " iruka shouted, every shouted up, " as I was saying, ....blah blah"

~Lunch Time~

"Man what a pain, I now have to stay after school because of Bakashi!" I yelled out as i sat down with my lunch.

"You still should have come early" Kiba, my best friend said, "Even I'm not that late"

"Shut up, your mother would kick you out of your house for weeks. And you would beg me to let you sleep at my house!" I told him and chucked.

"All lies, baka!!" Kiba blushed as he laughed a bit

"I believe naruto is true...for once" Sakura said as she giggled, another friend of mine.

"Ha!! Sucker!" I pointed at Kiba.

"Shut the fuck up, foxy boy!"

"What you just say dog breath?!"

"Oh I'm sorry are you deaf?"

"Your the deaf one here!"


"OKAY YOU TWO, SHUT UP!" Ino and Sakura shouted as they both punch us on the head

"Ouch/ow! What was that for?!"

"That was for being idiots!" Ino sighed as she looked at Sai, "Sai-kun, wanna go and study? "

"Sure" Sai fake smiled, as he and Ino stood up and left.

"Man, why can't I bring ramen fro lunch?" I asked as I took a bite out of my apple

"Ne, Sakura, wanna hang out after school???" I asked. I stood up and looked at Sakura.

"No, I can't Naruto. I would love to, but I have a family thing today at my house. Crap, I just remember that I need Ino help to pick out a dress. Bye" she got up and left.

"Shika,Cho, Shino?" I looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry, busy" they all answered at the same time.

"What?!" I holler at them

"Well my mom wants me and my dad to go with her, to do shopping after school is done" Shika responded lazy

"Shika-san asked me to join him" Choji sighed

"I'm just busy..."Shino mumbled

"Okay?" by the time that word left my mouth, my smile was long gone from my face, "WAIT!"

They looked at me, "What?" Shika asked

"I'LL ASK HINATA!!!" I told them while my smile came back to my face

'He forgot about Kiba....poor Kiba' Choji thought to himself

"'s a date? Shika asked.

"Date? With Hinata? No, we're just friends" I smiled more, " and I don't think Hinata like like me, ya'know?"

'Your so stupid Naruto!! ' Choji, Shika, and Shino though

"Anyway, bye I think the bell is about to ring since lunch should almost be over" I walked away


"OKAY YOU TWO, SHUT UP!" two girls shouted as they both punch Naruto and his friend on the head

"Ouch/ow! What was that for?!" they both shouted

'Thanks god they punch them, I was about to knock them out'

"He looks cute with his smile, don't cha think?" I turned around to face my brother, itachi.

"Hn" I answered as I looked back to my Naru

"Come on Sasuke just enroll into this school, bump into him, fall on top of him, kiss, and then have babies! Kay?"

I blushed, "shut up, itachi!"

"Not until you have babies with him, until then... SASUKE AND NARUTO SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G FIRST COMES-hm?!" I put my hands on top of his mouth,

"Shut up,I'll join the fucking school!!! I'll kill you if you sing that song again!!" I let go of him

"Yay! I, Itachi Uchiha, is the King of SasuNaru!!! I shall kill anyone who dares to get in the way of my ship!" he runs away

'is that really my brother???' I signed

"So...its a date?" I heard someone ask, I look back to naruto and his group of friends.

"Date? With Hinata?? No way, we're just friends," he smiled, " and I don't think she likes me that way, ya'know"

'Date with whom?? Better not be with anyone, he's mine'

I stood up and looked at Naruto, beautiful human boy, I'll make him mine one day.

"But for now...ill watch over him. See you Naruto" I jumped off the school roof


"See you Naruto"

'What was that?' I turned around looking around, finding nothing. " i swear I heard doesn't matter" I walked into the school

And done!!! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I really was gonna publish the rest of chapter 2,but somehow it was deleted. I took a little longer to rewrite what I had yesterday. Good thing i wrote it in a notebook.

Anyway I hope you like it, comment, like and follow me if you haven't!

Love you guys, bye!!

Love you guys, bye!!

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