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I swear I always hear someone talking, not the people around me. Like someone spying on me. I mean I have nothing, I'm just a normal boy, who goes to a normal high school.  I have friends, I'm okay with my grades, not really. Yeah I don't have a father or mother anymore that is...i have no idea what happened to them I only heard that they died.

"Meh, I couldn't care about who's spying" I sighed and looked down at Hinata

"N-nar-naruto-kun?? Wh-what happened? W-wh-why a-are yo-you ho-holding me?" she asked with a blush on her face.

"Don't cha faint on me again. You almost fell in the ground"I sighed again

"A-ah?! I'm s-so so-sor-sorry, Na-nar-naruto-kun..."

"It's alright. Now back to what we were talking about. Do ya wanna hang out or nah?" I asked once again from the hundred time. (Not really)

"Ye-yeah s-su-sure." she blushed more and looked away

I hug her "ARLIGHT!" I shouted happily, "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME ENOUGH TO HANG OUT WITH MEH! Thanks hinata!"

"A-ah?! Na-naruto-kun?!" she turned completely red

"Don't faint!!"

"O-oh sorry..."

"Nah it's cool" I smiled more. "Bow let's go!"

"Ok-okay" she stood up, and me following after

"Wanna eat first? I'm hungry"

"I wou-would lov-love th-that" she blushed more?

"Alright! Let's go to Ichiraku Ramen! I'm hungry for ramen, do you wanna eat there?" I asked her



*times skip* after eating

"Ah~ that's the good stuff!"

"Y-yea-yeah, th-the ram-ramen good" hinata smiled, still blushing.  We walked for a few minutes until

"Hey hinata, I have a question" I stopped walking and turned around to look at her

'I'm going to ask her even tho I know the answer'


'What does naruto-kun want to ask? '

"S-sure, g-go a-ahead" I stopped walking as well

"Do me?" he asked

I blushed, turning redder by the second

'Ho-how do-does he know?! '

"Wh-why d-do y-you as-ask??"

"Answer my question then I'll answer yours"

" i-i l-like yo-you" I turned away

"Alright. Come on"

'WHAT?! '

I looked  at naruto as he walked away, my heart hurts...but what I didn't know was that he smiled

"Hinata come along. Let's go to the park." he said still walking

I felt a tear fall,  "ok-okay.." I walked, following him

*another time skip* park

We got to the park. I wanted to cry so bad right now. A few rears fell. Naruto walked under a Sakura tree and turned around to face me once I was where he was.

"So...Hinata" I wiped the tear that was about to fall, "I'm sorry"

"F-for w-what"

"You might think I'm a jerk now, I wanted to ask you another question somewhere beautiful"

"..." I looked away to watch some kids playing

"Yeah I'm sorry for not answering, right forgive me?"

I nodded and looked at him

He smiled which made me blushes

"Hinata,  would you love to be my girlfriend?" he asked

My eyes widened, the world seem to stop. Did....he??

I smiled, a few tears falls


Naruto smiled and kissed my cheek.


'Okay to be honest I wasn't planing all of this but I thought why not try this out? Another chance to love, another chance dating someone...after...'


'THAT BITCH!!! NARUTO IS MINE!! MINE MINE MINE MINE!! SHE CANT HAVE HIM!!' I felt my eternal mangekyou sharingan on as I glowed out my sharp teeth where now shown

"Now now little brother.  No need having your sharingan on" itachi stated

"Shut up brother!!! That girl stole my uke! Just when I was gonna enrolled into their stupid school!  Fuck!" I hissed out "He...he was mine" I mumbled

"Oh sasuke. Don't worry he'll break up with her once you both meet, and he realize his feelings for you" itachi promised

"I hope your right itachi..." I murmured

"I can kill her if you want" a voice suggested

I turned around to meet the face of Madara (?)

"No...not yet" was all I told him.

"Have it your way, sasuke."



okay I'm sorry I didn't update like I said I was going to

The reason why I didn't update on Monday was because I need to clean, go somewhere for my baby sister check up. Yesterday I have no reason, I'm sorry I guess I was lazy and tired.

Please forgive me

I know this is a sasunaru book, but why not put NaruHina? Just to make things more fun^^

Anyway hope you liked this chapter


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