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After he finished filming Two Kids Room with Seungmin, Jisung shakes the Pringle's crumbs out of his sleeve, navigating his way through the people shuffling around the studio. Everyone is yelling at someone else, or yelling through a cellphone, and one person was carrying a set light like it might burst into flame. He just wants to get out of the busy space. It's already dark out, and his bed and pyjamas at the dorm are calling to him.

Minho was escorted to another set after Two Kids Room wrapped, to shoot with another member. He was being very Minho-ish earlier, threatening to hit Jisung several times. Jisung wonders how many instances will make it into the final cut...

The final cut will probably be something to watch. "Something." Jisung really has to work on controlling himself in front of the camera, especially when Minho is around. Just today he called him his "soulmate" and "baby," like his restraint had disappeared into thin air.

But he's hasn't ever had any restraint around Minho. It's all on impulse; all spur-of-the-moment roughhousing and fits of laughter and cuddling — most often in that order. He thinks it's the same for Minho, but he's not positive. They can talk endlessly about 'I am' or 'I think,' but one of them always shuts down before they can get to the 'I feel.'

At the elevator, Jisung presses the downward arrow. A soft ding, and the doors are opening. He steps into the elevator, and the doors take a moment before they slide closed.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold the elevator!" someone shouts from the hall, and Jisung swats the 'open' button.

Minho, of all people, crams himself through the doors, slumping against the wall and raking a hand through his hair. He looks up at Jisung. "Oh, hey. Thanks," he says.

"No problem," Jisung replies, pressing the 'close' button. "What happened to you?"

"I had to to check my hair. I thought it looked terrible, and I was right," Minho says, and he cringes. The dishonesty in his voice is completely obvious.

Really, Minho was talking to the director, subtly persuading him to not air a part of the feature where Minho asked Jisung a particularly exposing question. The director seemed indifferent, rattling off comforting "of course"s and "for sure"s. As he walked away, Minho swore he heard him mumble something about including it in the 'Undisclosed Clips,' but the director's attention was stolen as a panicked staffer came to him with a set light that was literally on fire.

Jisung glances at Minho's hair. "I didn't notice."

"You're not very observant," Minho deadpans.

Jisung scoffs, shaking out his sleeve again. "Don't make me regret holding the elevator."

Minho gives him a look.

Jisung notices. "What?"

"What are you doing?" He points at Jisung's arm, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Pringle's crumbs got everywhere," Jisung explains. "It feels like cockroaches are crawling up my sleeve."

"Ew." Minho wrinkles his nose. "You could have described it any other way."

Jisung wags his sleeve over Minho, and he flinches. Jisung smirks wickedly.

Minho straightens out his hoodie, narrows his eyes, but he's grinning. "Why are you like this."

It's rhetorical, but Jisung answers anyway: "It's funny."

"You just like disrespecting your elders."

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