Getting A Phantom Thief Instead Of A Magical Girl - Part 1

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Setting; Sailor Moon - with a ton of other Phantom Thief anime/troupes mentions and elements

OC; New Female OC - called/named "Fae Rhearn" - A phantom thief - name/title is "Rose" - that uses magic to steal (Is it real magic, just tricks or both? No one knows, messing with a lot of minds this way, and she's not saying anything. All apart of the show and mystery of course.) what she wants/needs.

Death; On her last theft, was shot to death by an sniper that was apart of an underground criminal organization that had also killed her mother and stole everything from her father.

Reincarnated As; Usagi Tsukino

Pairings; ?????

Just a heads up, I am not using canon pairings in this story, so no Usagi and Mamoru. Also, I might use real world examples of expensive items - such as paintings, jewels, ect. - and I will be making some up. Meaning, I will be making up a person, the expensive item that they made, ect. If it's a real thing that I use in this story at any time, I'll be sure to tell you all in the end notes.

Now, I just want everyone to think about this. Living one life in one anime troupe, and then dying and then being reborn into another. Fae was the Phantom Thief in her last life - the most wanted and elusive criminal ever, with millions of fans and many that wanted her died or behind bars, for multiple reasons. And then she is killed, and finds herself reborn into a new world. One, where unknowingly, is a different anime troupe. Honestly, she doesn't really notice it at first or even that much later. Anime is a weird thing at best, and it runs on it's own rules.

I mean honestly, Sailor Moon (and He-Man, but that's not anime) is a place where you wear less clothing and suddenly no one knows who you are. And in most anime, no one wears a mask or if they do, they don't change their voice or anything like that. So, be prepared for some anime rules in here, because the person who is getting reborn lived in an anime world before coming to this new anime world. Although, she does have some real life commonsense because she doesn't want to get caught by the cops. 

But, if you think she is just going to take Usagi's place and listen to something like destiny/fate, you got another thing coming.

Fae takes no one's shit, and she is not about to go about doing something because someone says it's her fate to do so. She doesn't believe in such things, she thinks there are too many futures to count and that she makes her own with every choice she makes. Her duty? Ha! She'd rather just steal whatever or help someone out with her thefts than anything else. She's a mix of many different types of Phantom Thieves that I have read about and watched, so this is going to be fun!

Fae, like stated before, was THE Phantom Thief, that was simply called "Rose", or "Phantom Thief Rose". She used magic in her thefts, and no one knows if they were magic tricks or actual magic or if it's both. No one knows. And Fae is not telling. In fact, I am not going to even say anything on it, and leave it up in the air. It's more fun that way, lol. But, what I am getting at is that she is not about to hang up her mask just because she died. No, this just means that she can do it all over again in a new setting and without some of the pressures she had to face in her last life.

So, in other words; Magical Girl Troupe, meet Phantom Thief Troupe. Lol, I have no idea where I am going with this or if this is going to be crack or not, bit I'm going for it! Also, seasons and episodes might be out of order, I might mix things up and such. Just to make things even more interesting, but we'll see as time goes on. I'm more of a 'in the now' writer anyway.

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