Chapter 2

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Hey guys sorry this chapter has took ages! but I've been really stressed about my results day that is tomorrow :( so wish me luck.

-Love and Hugs, EscapeWithFreedom xo


I'm so bored sat in bed doing nothing I'm literally staring at my wall. My phone buzzed it was Maddy texting me, finally someone wants to talk to me.

From: madz(Maddy)

-Hey Charlie, wanna go out? Zayn and Niall said they'll meet us? xx

To: madz(Maddy)

-Hi smell, yeah sure now? xx

From: madz(Maddy)

-yep I'll meet you at the end of your road :D xx

Crap I need to put some clothes on! I put on my Light blue skinny jeans on a knitted jumper, because even though its August its still England and its late so theres no sun out. I grabbed my navy blue vans before I went out and my key!, can't forget my key! I ran down my road because I knew Maddy would have been waiting for me for ages now.

"Took your time char"Maddy said while tapping her wrist like she had a watch on.

"sorry I needed to put some clothes on" I said half laughing.

We met Zayn and Niall and to our surprise Niall was drunk like really drunk Zayn wasn't that bad just a bit merry as my mum would say.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" Maddy asked Zayn while a drunk Niall ran.. kind of? up to me and hugged me asking who I was.

"There back at mine we're having a BBQ your coming by the way" he said putting a wink at the end. So Zayn and Maddy went off ahead and I got stuck with the drunken Niall who couldn't walk in a straight line, it was a good job it was late because he would have got himself ran over. 

we arrived at Zayn's house and went into his garden, Maddy and Zayn arrived way before us because I had to keep chasing Niall.

"Hey Charlie! how are you?" Louis said and greeted me with a hug, so did the rest of the lads.

"I'm great Lou how about yourself?" I said while shoving Niall down on the grass.

"good yeah I'm great, are you two staying over at Zayn's tonight?" Louis said to Maddy and me.

"yeah they are" Zayn said speaking for us.

 After the BBQ we went inside to find a spot on the floor, or if your lucky a sofa but you had to run to get one of those and I don't run! Zayn had one sofa and Lou got it, the rest of us slept on the floor on blankets.

Its 10am I'd just woke up, I think I'm going to go get a shower. I got up out of what was bed for the night as quiet as I could so I didn't wake anyone up and headed for the bathroom. 

I got out the shower and put the clothes that I had on yesterday because I diddn't bring a change. When I got down stairs everyone was up and Maddy had made everyone bacon sandwiches gotta love that girl sometimes!

"Charlie haven't you got a gig tonight?" Niall shouted from the sofa, he was watching the football with Liam so I went and watched it with them.

"Yeah I am, your meant to be playing the guitar for me remember?" I said with slight worry in my voice hoping he did remember.

"Yeah of course I do! I was just checking. what time is it? I'll pick you up" as he said it a sigh of relief came from my mouth, I'd be screwed if he forgot.

"Good if you forgot I'd die! and its 7:30, but could you pick me up at 7?" I said.

"yup" I'm not quite sure he knew what he was yupping at because he was so engrossed in the football.

Niall and I had been doing local gigs at pubs and cafe's since we were 15. Even though he's now in One Direction he still gigs with me when he can, he's so sweet! It's great because he sings along in some parts and I get to hear his beautiful voice, it sounds creepy but I could listen to it all day!

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