Chapter 3

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It's just turned 7pm, and I don't normally time watch but I'm nervous, I all ways get nervous before I preform that's why I'm glad I've got Niall there to calm me down.

Okay its 7.10 where is he? I was starting to worry, there was a knock at my door, I grabbed my stuff ready to go, I opened the door and Niall just stood and looked at with me tears in his eyes I could tell he was trying to fight them back.

"Are you okay Niall?" I asked inquisitively hoping to prompt him to tell me whats up.

"Me and Katie just broke up"

"Ohh.." I couldn't think of anything else to say. I just looked at him, shocked.  I never saw that coming, part of me was happy but looking into his eyes and seeing how sad he is. I couln't be happy for my best friend when he's heart has been broken.

I'm not being jealous it's just, she wasn't the nicest girlfriend he could have had. I'm just happy he doesn't have to go through that heartache that she caused him again. He did love her though, I don't know how he put up with her! he'd do anything for her, drop anything just to go and see her, he'd buy her anything she wanted even if that meant he would have no money and she was just so ungrateful.

Niall's POV

I looked at my watch, 6 o'clock right okay I have an hour to do this and then pick Charlie up. Okay, I need to stop crying and pull myself together! I had to do it, there was no other way. I don't know what to do,  I'll call Liam he'll help me right? I kept telling myself.

*Calling Liam (Daddy direction)*

Liam: "hey Niall sup?"

Niall: "Hey, Liam are you free to talk?"

Liam: "yeah why what's happened?" he said with concern

Niall: "I broke up with Katie"

Liam: "woah are you okay mate? why? I thought you two were okay"

Niall: "I did too until last night, then I realised I'm not in love with Katie anymore; I don't think I ever was"

liam went quiet for a few seconds I thought he'd gone

Liam: "I don't know what to say, you did the right thing though. I'm just shocked I never saw it coming I guess you didn't did she take it?"

Niall: "she was upset, heart broken, so am I but I didn't love her I couldn't let her love me when I don't love her back"

Liam: "yeah I understand mate do you want me to tell the rest of the boys?"

Niall: "yeah please. oh crap I'm gonna have to go I need to get Charlotte"

Liam: "alright see you later"

I put down the phone my heart felt numb still. Did I make the right decision? I don't know my mind is a mess and I'm late to get  charlie.

I got in my car and turned the radio off I wanted silence, I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts for a while. As I pulled into Charlies drive I got a text

From: Katie

- I just want you to know that I hope we can stay friends I still love you 

Oh great he come those feelings again. I don't reply and just walk up to Charlies door and knock, but then tears start to fill my eyes I try to fight them back because I don't want to ruin Charlies night.

The Story Of My Life.. I Guess(1D&NiallHoranFanfic)Where stories live. Discover now