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     "jess!" i hear michael yell my name through the phone making me jump slightly. i rub the sleep out of my eyes and answer him with a "hmm?"

     "i have a gig. in a half hour. you need to come please." he says everything in short stacato sentences. i could tell he was full of excitment and i smiled just listening to him. i swing my legs over the side of my bed and stretch a little.

      "but michael its like nine thirty and i was already sleeping." i complain to him as i get off of my bed and look at my messy appearence in the mirror that hangs above my dresser. i hear him groan on his end of the line.

      "please be a sport and come out tonight. you are like my only friend please jess!" he whines and i chuckle.

      "fine. can i meet you at your apartment in like ten minutes? i'll take a taxi so i can get there soon." i explain to him. i put my phone down and hit the speaker button. i slide a pair of dark skinny jeans on. i grab a light blue blouse with white polka dots on it and put it on.

      "yeah. i'll see you in like ten." he says and hangs up. i continue getting changed and top my outfit off with coco brown boots. i wrap a scarf around my neck and pull my leather jacket on and a beanie as it was cold that night. i could hear the wind whistling outside my window. i open my bedroom door and walk down the hall and the creaky steps.

      i glance into the living room to see my dad trying to speak to my mom. she just stared ahead of herself. in a couple days she would be okay i knew that. but it bothered me when she was like this. 

      my dad looks up at me and gives me a weak smile. i return it and swing my bag over my shoulder. i open the front door and hurry down the front steps. the air hits me hard and cold like a slap in the face.

     i arrive at michael's apartment about eight minutes later. i knock on his front door and it is promptly pulled open by a tall tan guy who i had never seen before. he had curly golden hair and dimples when he smiled at me. they were not like luke's though. 

      his green eyes flashed over me quickly and he smiled widely.

     "hi i'm jess. michael's friend." i say shyly. he nods and opens the door wider for me to step inside with him.

     "i'm ashton. mikey's friend. he told me a lot about you. he is just getting changed before we all head out." this ashton explains to me. i nod and try to feel less awkward. he was friendly enough and didnt call me weird yet so i guess i'm good.

      "hey jess!" michael says as he comes out of his bedroom pulling a plaid button down over his arms over a band teeshirt. 

     "hey!" i return his greeting warmly. michael grabs his guitar case and pulls a jean jacket and a beanie on. 

     "you ready?" ashton asks him. michael returns his question with a shaky nod.

      "this is my first gig in about two months. im really nervous." he says quietly. I give him a side hug to comfort him.

     "you totally got this michael. and i'm so excited to come. i've never actually seen live music being played before." i say shyly. the two boys look at me with such a horrified look on their faces i thought that they were going to kick me out of michael's apartment.

      "well we will just have to change that." ashton says smiling at me. i blush and nod. michael head over to the front door and hold it open for us. we all get out into the hallway when ashton stops.

      "wait i have the bladder of a five year old hold on." he says and runs back into michael's apartment. michael just rolls his eyes and leans against the wall and i join him.

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