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It was the next morning after the incident. My body laying against the couch. A blanket wrapped around me sluggishly.

Unknown to me my body would rock trying to comfort myself. I rocked a little to keep my comfort.

His words relapsing over and over in my head. His reeking stench of ashes could only remind me of seemingly endless nights.

I didn't want to believe I saw him. I didn't want to believe that he had found us...me, and even went in this place.

" n-no" I whispered

Gripping tighter onto the blanket hearing nothing but his words....

A sudden tap or more startled me as I growled.

"L-Luna are you okay?" I heard a voice say

Slowly I looked up and saw a group of 7 people looking at me. I looked into their eyes till I recognized one of theirs.


His eyes held worry as I could only return one filled with tears. Thoughts racing every second of him.

" Luna what happen last night" someone asked

" why are you sleeping on the couch and not with   Xavier"

" did you two fight"

" You're crying "

" ....I'm crying" I whispered

My voice came out nearly un-audible. I lifted my trembling fingers towards my cheek and wiped feeling thick streams run down.

" Hazel? Did Xavier do anything?" Max asked

I stayed quiet for a moment till I responded.

" ....Xavier didn't do anything....last night my nightmares came back I need to leave this pack if not he will hurt this pack I have to go"

Quickly answering I stood up only to fall down to the floor. My body felt weak and exhausted. I let a sob out hearing his words from last night louder.

' stop it stop it stop it!'

' MAKE IT STOP!'  Mis shouted out startling me

" Hey! Luna! What happened last night? Me and the girls can't remember—Luna?"

I just shook my head wanting to run. Slowly standing back up as max walked towards me but I warned him off with a growl.

" luna your body! It's weak-"

I gave him a much louder growl getting onto my feet.

" I need to go" I whispered

Before he could responded I used everything in me to sprint out and towards some doors left open. Getting closer a guard was there opening his arms and growling.

Stopping in my tracks letting my claws grow. His eyes slightly squinted and came a step closer to me.

" Luna, you can't be out here someone broke into the house and they might still be here go back inside" the guards

I watched as his eyes searched my body only to see me in the same clothes.

" luna-"

" let me leave!! You are not safe with me here" I tried to explain it, he didn't give in

Running From The Wolves ✅COMPLETED ✅ Where stories live. Discover now