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Denise Pov

Saturday morning

I was awoken by the vibration of my phone. I stretch out my hand to retrieve it from my table besides my bed.

"Hello." I answered without looking at the caller id.

" nigga wake up! " Raina screamed. It's to early for her shit.

" Isn't it racist for non-blacks to say nigga?"

"Bitch I'm black!" She confirmed.


" In my blood bitch, now get up and get ready  my sister and i coming for you. "

"Why?" I questioned.

" Because of the sleep over, duhhhhh what you thought , you was gonna show up when shit already set up? "

" Yeah. "

"HA! Bitch no! Now get up and pack we coming." She hung  up.

I throw a mini tantrum before flinging the covers off of my body. I got up from my bed to prepare myself for today's activities.

I walked out of the apartment building and into the car awaiting me. Suddenly i felt, hungry as fuck.

"Morning." I greeted .

"Morning bruh!"

"You packed everything you need? Cause we are not coming back if you forgot anything." Rahja said.

"K" I answered.

She turned around in her seat to look at me. I kept my head lowered to avoid eye contact with her because i knew i fucked up.

"What the fuck, why you not driving? What's in the back there?" Raina enquired!

" Nothing! " Rahja answered turning around to face front, driving off.

"How's the apartment searching going?" Raina asked

" There's none my aunt only talking up in she ass she aint moving to go nowhere. " I answered.

"Ha ha bruh!"

We engaged in small talk about anything for the rest of the journey. Rahja stayed quiet but i can feel her intense stare on me.

"Can I get your advice on something?" I asked Raina."

"Yea, wassup?"

"So I wanted to know if you can give me some pointers on sex, I'm not that experience in that category." I told.

"You shouldn't be worrying about sex ain't you too young for that." Rahja butt in.

I wanted to scream at her but I know that won't do any good. Questions would be raise. Raina have been asking me about my closeness with her sister ever since she caught Rahja between my legs.

"Oh hush Rahja, Denise I got you but why though? You got someone to hump?" Raina asked while chuckling.

"Uuummm Carlia though, we haven't had sex in a while and de last argument we had she said meh sex was wack." I answered.

"Oh." Her voice went down. "Well you know females say anything when they're angry."

" but sometimes it's de truth  they never want tuh tell yuh in ah normal conversation. " I added

She didn't say anything after that so I let it be, I sense a whole mood change in her. We pulled up the her sister's place a couple minutes later. Raina got out immediately after the car stopped her sister didn't even turn the car off yet.

I quickly got out of the car grabbing my stuff. My goal was to get away from Rahja but I failed, she come up behind me before i could shut the car door. She grabbed my waist from behind and push her front on my ass. All week she had her hands on my body in one form or another and I'm yet to reap my benefits. Actual benefits that benefit me not her buying me stupid irrelevant shit. We haven't had "all the way sex" but oral is still sex right?

"I don't want you having sex with Carlia or anyone else." She said.

" She's meh girlfriend why shouldn't I?" I asked.

She tighten her hold on me. "I don't give a fuck I said what I fucking said!" She snapped.

She let me go and walked off. I slam the door and follow her inside.

"Baby!" Carlia squeal jumping into my arms pecking my lips as i walked through the door. I glance at Rahja rolling her eyes.

"Hey, ah miss yuh, wah going on babe?" I asked.

"I have been busy with assignments and these group projects baby I'm sorry if it seems like I've neglected you but this weekend is all about us." Carlia assured me kissing me longer this time.

"Better be so eh!" I said pulling away.

"Alright, Alright love birds let's get this place set up." Raina said with much attitude in her tone. I don't know what's her problem but she don't need to be taking it out on me.

We started setting up for the sleep over. We decided to change from Raina's room, to doing it in the living room as I learnt that more people than what was said would be coming.

We clear the furniture from the area then vacuumed, by now a lot more persons have arrived, majority of whom I don't know. The work became lighter on our hands with more people involved.

The mattresses was being blown up and set up in rows. After, we covered them with sheets and pillows. The sleeping part was set.

We split into three groups, group one - food, group two - snacks and drinks, group three - drugs. I got scared for a minute but I figured it was weed.

I was in the food group with Carlia, Raina, some others that I don't care to know and Rahja of course. We all decided to make pizza because we can, fries and fried chicken. We left to go to the grocery store and slit into two groups, team pizza and team fried.

I was team pizza with Rahja. Somehow she convince the others on how to go about this, her manipulation is beyond comprehension.

I got everything need to make the pizza from scratch, no pack or box shit and the toppings. It was a challenge with Rahja feeling on me, slapping my ass or cupping my breast most of time and kissing me when we were in a lonely isle.

We met up with the other team by the cashier to check out. When we return to the apartment team drugs was there. I saw Eve and Jax rolling up blunts. There was a white powder looking substance in clear plastic alongside with colorful pills.

At this point all I wanted to know is what the fuck is going on in this place.

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