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Denise POV

Couple months later

"Baby, urg I have a headache and this stupid studying is worsening it." Carlia whined while throwing a tantrum on my bed. It was at the end of the semester yet again and we were both studying for finals. Even though we were studying different courses Carlia requested we do it together for us to have some sort of bonding time.

"Take ah lil break nah baby, ah go get some more snacks." I said getting up off of the bed gathering the empty snack packs, food boxes and Juice boxes.

"Hurry back baby, I miss you too much." She said. I shook my head in amusement for the lies we have been telling each other. We won't be missing each that much if we weren't occupied with our extra activities.

She have been busy doing whatever the hell she does when she disappears and I with Rahja. To be honest, i think she's cheating on me. Carlia is a sex freak, we haven't had sex in months which is weird asf. As of recent she either turns me down or dont initiate it and for that i know she getting it from someone else. The "bug bite", she claimed, confirmed it. I'm not mad because I'm doing the same but our reasons I'm one hundred percent sure differs.

I was hurting at first but I got a slap of reality when my phone rang out from an incoming call from Rahja.

I kept her around for the company I guess. Raina as of lately have been an asshole with the unnecessary attitude. I would hear her mumbling things about me, rolling her eyes anytime I came around or said something. I confronted her about it but she stated I was reading too deep into things. Ha, my ass!

This left me friendless you can say. I never got close to the others in the group because they never showed interest in forming a personal relationship with me, even when I reached out to them. I'm not for chasing people so I left it at that and I definitely not hanging out with Rahja.

I dispose of the garbage I had in the trash, then inspected the cupboards for whatever remaining snacks. I grabbed a few packs and two bottles of water and made my way back to my bedroom. I throw the stuff on bed carelessly.

"Yay you're back!"

"Yep." I popped the " p".

Carlia cleared my bed of the books and pack them onto the table.

"We done study?" I asked noticing my books were there to.

"Yeah let's cuddle." She said. I laid back and she cuddle up besides resting her head on my shoulder.

"Or leh we bull." I offered.

"Bull?" She asked confused.

"Trini term fuh sex." I explained.

"Babe I'm not in the mood."

"Really OK." I replied leaving it at that. I hissed my teeth a few minutes after, like what the fuck. Turning on my side, facing away from her my shoulders slid from underneath her head.

"Really, you're mad because I'm not in the mood for sex." Carlia raise her voice at me conjuring up a head ache my systems was putting off for some time.

"Hear dis nah, I not in de mood fuh yuh shit, doh raise yuh voice at me for one and two I doh need to fuck some bitch who is obviously fucking someone else, go from here hoe!" I finished. She didn't even argue with me. Silence took over for a few minutes before I heard her phone rang out. I knew she would be leaving, she usually does.

I felt movement on the bed behind me. She got up with a still ringing phone in her hands walking towards the door.

"Sorry." I heard her say before the door closed. I took one of the water bottle behind me and threw it at the door when it shut. Fuck her I thought. I shook my head and let it go drifting off to sleep.

One month later

Exams were over and so was Carlia and I. Sitting on the bench outside alone, I was back to the usual lonely ass kid I was back in Trinidad. I guess some shit don't change. After that day in my room between Carlia and I, we met up sometime later to discuss our future together. We both came to an agreement to split.

Days later i found out that she got with Raina. However, I came to find out the harsh truth. Carlia was seeing Raina for months while we was together and everyone knew this. To say i was sad would be an understatement. More like broken and betrayed. I would have never expected her to do this to me. I thought Raina was my friend.

I cried every night for a week straight. My ability to study was interrupted. I couldn't open a book because I would of soaked the pages with my tears. My blurred vision from the water in my eyes prevented me from seeing the words on the page anyway. I had a breakdown when I saw them cuddled up with each other in school. I took the phone Raina had gotten me and threw it at them before running off. The others from the group never spoke to me.

I haven't spoken to Rahja since I had no phone and avoided her like a plague when I saw her on campus. She was probably looking for me. My aunt did me a huge favour by telling her I wasn't home when she came by the apartment looking for me. That I was grateful for. I wasn't in the mood to deal with people who was distressing me and she was one of them.

I was brought out of my thoughts when i heard a car pulling up in front of me. I hissed my teeth and bow my head getting back into my thoughts.

"Denise!" I heard my name being called by a familiar voice. I looked up to see Rahja in the driver's seat of the same car that had pulled up in front of me. I rolled my eyes. So much for the little peace of mind I got from being away from you.

I got up from the bench and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Hey, I miss you." She said leaning over to kiss my lips. She pecked me three times, none of which I returned. I felt like breaking down at this very moment.

"Hey!" She roughly grabbed my neck forcing me to look at her with my teary eyes. Her grip on my neck loosen when she saw the tears streaming down my face. I turned away from her. Another person that's causing hell in my life.

Rahja POV

Hotel room

Denise had passed out from crying herself to sleep in the front seat of the car. I don't usually have moments like this but for the first time in a long time I didn't feel pleasure from someone's cries.

I felt guilty and expose that I may have contributed to her breaking like this. I'm aware that she found out about my sister and Carlia so I know that's the main cause of her hurt but I couldnt shake to feeling I'm to be blame as well.

I haven't felt like this in years. Like shit to be precise. I pulled into the drive way and got out of the car. I went over to the passenger side to get Denise. I gentle got her out of the car and carried her to the room I had gotten us.

I laid her down on the bed and went back to the rented car to retrieve a bag I packed for our stay. I got back to the room, dropping the bag on the floor near the door.

Sighing at this melancholy feeling that came over when I looked into her eyes. This isn't me! I don't feel this way.

I laid next to her on the bed staring at her tear stained face, my heart tug a little with deep despair.

If the current situation didn't leave a tensed atmosphere, I would have thought I'm developing feelings for her.

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