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911 54 5

Friday night

Denise Pov

Looking around the crowded club i screwed my face thinking of all the sweat and smell these people are mixing and exchanging, when grinding on each other. That thought alone upset my stomach, coming here was the shittest idea ever. These freaks crawl my blood,I dont need the money this desperately. I should have listen to Raina when she said this isn't the normal sexy shit......this was a little too far fetch!

Women were dress in leather covered from head to toe  with only cut outs by the mouth, tits, pussy and ass. People where hanging by chains from the ceiling and i think i saw an orgy in a cage. The female workers were dressed in lingerie and some topless or bottomless, similar for the males. Random people grope them and sucking on their private, ewwww! Even the Dj was getting head. I see why this place was hard to find and even harder to get into. It's nasty shit and  that not even half of what I've seen.

I was probably the only normal person here which explains why i was get weird looks. I slid off the stool and excuse myself between the jammed bodies......yuck!

"Hey sexy let's play?" A short chubby guy with a collar around his neck said whilst reaching out to grab me. I had accidentally bumped into him when I was passing by.

" ewwww no move eh! " i over dramatically screamed shaking his hands off me. I continued walking.

"Come on i'll let you beat me daddy!" The guy followed me. Even though the music was loud i heard every word.

" No! "  i screamed before taking off running. Not on the track running but the type of running you do in a club. My steps hastened as i thought i felt my butt being smacked.

"Come play with me bitch!" I didn't look back at him because the stairs to exit this place was in view.

I felt a stinging sensation across my back that made me stop at the top of the stairs.

"Ha tag bitch, you wanna run i'll help you." With that I was sent tumbling down stairs. I held my breath  in my lungs with each connection my body make with a step. Breathing made it hurt more. The pain shot through my body mercilessly, full one hundred, connection by connection as I pray to reach the bottom.

The last step connected with my head making my ears ring before I faded into the unconscious. While my head rested on someone's loafers.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room to slow jazz music playing on a Bluetooth speaker besides me. The lights were dim and red but it still gave me a head ache. I tried to move but my body was in so much pain.

"Fuck!" I managed to scream out.

"Take it easy on your self." A voice said next to me.

I looked to the side of me and there laid a almost naked Rahja, Raina's elder sister. I was scared for a minute when i remembered that she was possibly peeping at me when i was in the shower. My heart beat increase fearing  for the  worst out come of being alone with this weirdo, unable to defend myself......please don't rape me!!

I didn't feeling any safer seeing that she only had panties on which didn't hide much.   Isn't she a stud?. I thought.

People in America be doing weird shit around the clock. Rahja laid there in her own daze smoking. Seemingly not caring about her tits being in full view of a stranger. I watched her caramel body shine under the lighting of the room as if it was oiled. She looked exactly like Raina minus the complexion, grey eyes and her lips which appears to be fuller. I can't compare her breast because I've never seen as much of an out line of Raina's tits.

My eyes travelled up, down and around every curve.

"Every where hurts." My voice cracked. I was on the brink of tears due to the pain.

"Took a pull." She place the blunts near my lips. I have never done this before so I was expecting the worst. I inhale the smoke then exhale. "You're doing it fast, slow deep breaths and try not to choke." I followed her instructions and repeat. I let the smoke fill my lungs, linger then released.

She withdrew the blunt from my lips to take a pull then return it to mines. She went back and forth until the blunt was out. I felt relax and pain free but my eyes couldn't keep open dont matter the effort. Eventually i give up the fight and let sleep take over.

Saturday Morning

"Denise." I woke up to Raina shaking and calling my name.

" Wam? " i sat up.

"Yo, you good?" She asked concern.

" Yea. " 

" I'm gonna freshen up first before i take up home. " i didn't reply orally but nodded.

I rose to my feet feeling a bit stiff but some stretches helped that go away. My body felt fine especially my head but it still hurts when i touch it. I wondered if Rahja would give me some of what she was smoking! I looked down at her on the opposite side of the bed. Few strands of her dreads sprawl out on the pillow while the rest covered her face. I noticed she was dressed in a sports bra and basketball shorts.

"Its rude to stare."

I roll my eyes "yuh the perv watching meh in de bathroom."
I mumbled but I assumed she heard me when she said " and i don't regret doing it."

I clear my throat hoping it would clear the awkwardness. Raina's sister is starting to really creep me out.

"Yuh have any more of de ting
we was smoking?"

"So what a girl like you doing in a place like that." Rahja ignored my question.

"No reason!" I answered a little to quickly.

"You don't seem like that type to like that kind of pleasure or Does it have some to do with getting money for school? Cause they do that there as well."

I didn't answer. She burst out in laughter and started rolling then jumping on the bed..... Wtf!

I refuse to believe this woman is 30 and sane. She can't be!

I took my shoes up and walk towards the door. Before I can open the door I was grabbed from behind and forcefully pinned to the wall. 

Her hands secured a tight grip on my throat. I dropped my sneakers and clawed at her hand around my throat but she seems unbothered. Each second I can feel her grip tighten. I can feel my breathing shorten as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

I looked up at her grey eyes seemly looking pleased accompanied by a smile.

"I didnt say to leave!"


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