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Everyone keeps shaking you to see your still alive until you wake up with a gasp and start breathing heavily
Noah: y/n! Are you ok?!
He hugs you but you don't move from your position your too scared to even hug your own man.
You finally are able to move and you get up and walk off everyone just stares at you
Noah starts to cry a little and whispers to himself
Noah: I can't believe this
Everyone goes back to their tables and games and start to talk about what happened
*time skip to after school*
Noah's POV
What is happening to Y/n she is literally dying I can't let her suffer anymore she's too good to feel this way I need to find a way to help her I need to keep her safe I love her
End of his POV
Soz for the short chapter I have no emotion in me Rn so I don't know what to write

Love is a drug Noah x readerWhere stories live. Discover now