The Best Worst Christmas

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Christmas in the Washington household. Also known as hell on Earth, Hercules observed, watching as Thomas chased his brother around, fairy lights glistening in his hair.
"LAF, GET BACK HERE!" he screeched.
"THE LIGHTS ARE TANGLED", Thomas screeched.

Washington came out from the kitchen in time to see Thomas tackle Laf to the floor. "What is the meaning of this?!" he bellowed.
The brothers froze, then Thomas rolled off Laf and stood up, the lights still twinkling in his hair. "Sir, he put these in my hair!" Thomas complained, gesturing to the lights.
"They're a good look for you, Thomas."
"Right, right. Martha? Can you help me untangle these?"

Martha Washington bustled out from the kitchen, letting Thomas sit on the couch and beginning to remove the lights from his hair.
Hercules yawned, curled up on the couch adjacent to Thomas'.
Lafayette sat next to him, moving the Irishman's head into his lap and beginning to play with his hair under his beanie.
Hercules felt his eyes steadily closing, and he was just drifting off to sleep when Alexander burst in, screaming "SNOW!" at the top of his lungs.

Hercules jumped a little, then proceeded to complain about Alex being "too damn loud".
"It's snowing!" Alex screamed.
"We know!" John screamed back, from the other side of the room.
"Let's go outside!"
"Slow down, son-"
"'Notcha son!"
"-you need a jacket, hat, gloves, snow boots-" Washington rambled.

Martha handed out jackets and gloves.
Herc tugged on a puffy jacket and covered his ears with his beanie.
"Hercules, dear, you need gloves!" Martha called, handing him a pair that he shoved in his pocket.
"Let's go!" Alex yelled, leading the charge out the door.
"Don't be out too long, kids, it's already getting dark!" Washington called.

"Jemmy, you need a jacket, you're gonna catch cold!" Thomas scolded, stopping his boyfriend from running out the door.
"T-Thomas I'm a-already sick!"
"And you're not gonna get any sicker if you wear a jacket!"
"Come on, Burr-cub!" John called.
"Don't call me tha- JOHN!" Burr yelled as John put him on his back and ran out of the house.
Lafayette grabbed Herc's hand and dragged him out into the snow.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Herc yelled, scooping up a ball of snow and throwing it at James.
"I'm gonna get you for hitting my boyfriend, Herc!" Thomas yelled, throwing snow into the Irish boy's face.
"It's on!" Lafayette declared, retaliating with a snowball of his own.

In the end, they were split into teams; Alex and John, Laf, Thomas and Herc, James and Burr.
Thomas ended up chasing Alex into the woods next to the house when the Caribbean native got snow in his hair.
Alex came back a little while later, alone.
"Alex, where is Thomas?" Laf asked.
"T-Thomas?" James called.

"It's alright, James, I'll go look for him", Herc offered.
Laf came up to him, concerned. "Don't go in too far, amour."
"I won't", Herc promised, kissing him on the cheek. "How far could he have gone in anyway?" He ran into the woods.


"Thomas!" Herc called, his tiny legs struggling to move through the blanket of snow layering the ground. "Thomas!"
He looked around, shivering slightly. "He can't have gone far", he repeated.


Thomas came out of the woods a few minutes after Herc went in looking for him.
"Thomas!" James squeaked, launching himself at his boyfriend.
"Hi, Jemmy!"
Laf hurried up to him. "Thomas, did you see Hercules while you were in there?" he asked worriedly.
Thomas shook his head, frowning. "Wasn't he out here with you guys?"
"He went in after you", John said.
"I didn't see him."
"We should tell Washington", Burr said, looking up. "It's dark."

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