Chapter 6

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My dad holds up Nicky's phone tracking where dexter is heading. As we are walking we go into this giant white room filled with statues of creatures and they are flying, hopping, swimming, etc. As we walk I listen to Lancelot and My dad. "So what is this holy grail we are adventuring for" he says. "It's not a grail actually it's a tablet, Ahkmenrah, over there it's his tablet" my dad says. Lancelot looks over to me and Ahk and Ahkmenrah gives him a fake smile. Ahk then looks at me and winks. I feel a blush coming to my cheeks. God he's so handsome. I get myself out of his trance to continuing ease dropping on my Dad and the knight. "He looks well toned and lean. But weak. Surely you can take it from him, it would be like taken candy from a feeble Egyptian baby" Lancelot says. My dad shakes his head in confusion. "No, we aren't trying to take it, we're trying to fix it." Lancelot then stops as my dad goes to get signal to find Jed and Octo. Lancelot looks back and us and walks to me and Ahk. "So it's true, this tablet is magic" he says. "Yes. Everything is alive right now because of this tablet" he says while point to it. "So they all think they're real?" Lancelot laughs looking at all the creatures. Me, Ahk, and Teddy look at each other than back to Lancelot. "It can be confusing at first" Teddy chimes. Lancelot continues to chuckle then looks down at a frog. "Hop on little froggy, your real!" He says sarcastically while laughing. He then walks over to my Dad. "Not a clue" Teddy says. I giggle. "None" Ahk smiles and leads us to follow. I can see Ahk giving me some stares and I grab his hand intertwining it with mine. His hand is so soft, I want them to hold me and never let go. I start thinking about what would happen if we didn't get the tablet fixed. I would loose Ahkmenrah. I can't loose him. He notices me lost and thought and he squeezes my hand, then kisses my forehead, whisper, 'it's ok' I feel some of my tension ease but still there is always that chance. "We have to cut through Asia" My dad says holding the phone up as we continue to follow Dexter.

Nicky's POV:
We are waking in the Asia exhibit when Lancelot comes next to me and says. "You have a girl on your arm" I look at him and chuckle awkwardly. "Yeah yeah" "is she your Guinevere?" He continues. "Yeah I guess so" "is there anything standing between you and your love?" He asks me. I stop to think. "Yeah actually my dad kinda messed things up the other night" Lancelot then stops me and gives me a serious look. "Never let anything stop you from your destiny." My destiny? I chuckle awkwardly. "I wouldn't say my destiny, like we give each other looks in chemistry." He looks at me weirdly. "But yeah yeah my destiny.." he smiles and we follow my dad. We are then stopped by something called Garuda. He looks at us and starts blabbing some high pitched gibberish. "We gotta go through" my dad says trying to get past it. His shakes it's head no stopping my dad as he tries to walk around it. He finally gives us and the Garuda shakes it's finger no. We all look in the room and see a ginormous snake. "Get back" my dad whispers and we go by the columns by the door. "It looks like a dragon" Lancelot says. "No it's a.." my dad looks at the description. "Xiangliu" he finishes. "Great let's kill it" Lancelot smiles I smile too and look at my dad. "No it's sleeping we aren't gonna kill it." Lancelot looks at me then my dad. "Good point wouldn't be fair, let's wake it then kill it, I'll take the boy" he says and points to me behind him. My dad looks at him in disbelief and shakes his head. "No your not gonna take the boy." He says. "There comes a time in a boys life where he slays his own dragon" Lancelot says with nobility. I look at my dad smirking in agreement with Lancelot. "He hasn't even finished his thank you letters for his bar mitzvah, which is an expression but... let's go we are going around it" he starts to slowly lead us to the area around the snake.

MaryJane's POV:
Ahkmenrah grabs my hand and pulls me behind him as we go around this stone snake. I hold on to him tightly and he steps in front of me protectively. Then suddenly, the tablet starts to mold into green color capturing more of the golden on the tablet. Teddy starts to yell and speak absolute gibberish. "Teddy stop!" My dad whisper yells. Ahkmenrah starts to gasp for breath and falls into my arms. I try to hold him up and he's clawing at his throat for air. I try to stand him up he keeps on falling. The snake wakes up and looks at us. Not just with its two eyes, it has several heads. It starts to lunge at us and we duck. "Good it's awake, let's kill it!" Lancelot says and brings out his sword, throwing blows at it. I continue to try and lift up Ahk. "It's ok darling I got you" I whisper. I can just hear him gasping and it breaks my heart. "Dad!" My dad and I look to see Nicky dodging a head coming at him. My dad runs to him, but is swept up by another head. "Dad!" I scream. I had to drop Ahk, I needed to help them. I look to see Atilia's sword on the ground and pick it up. I look at Lancelot and Nicky. "Have you ever used a dagger?" He asks handing him one. "Only on world of wars!" "Well your about to now!" Nicky starts to defend himself against the heads with the dagger. I run into the field striking the sword at the heads lunging at me. I don't realize one is behind me and it sweeps me off my feet and I fly too the ground. "MaryJane!" My dad screams and starts hitting it with his flashlight.

Nicky comes running to me helping me up and I shake myself off. I see our dad running to get something off the wall. While Nicky, Lancelot, and I continue to fight off the heads. We see our dad put on a defibrillator and we step back a bit. He jumps into the snake aiming for its body. All the heads at once start to come at him. "Clear!" He screams and electrical currents start sounding. Before the heads can bite him, he zaps it and it falls unconscious. My dad steps off and Teddy, sac, every starts to become normal again. I run to Ahkmenrah and hug him. He holds me tightly. I don't want to let go. "Are you alright?" He asks. I look at him in confusion. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I smile. "I saw the hit you took, are you sure your not hurt darling?" He looks at me with worry in his eyes. I put my hand on his soft tan cheek. His beautiful eyes are my favorite scene. He smiles at me. "I'm ok I promise" I lean in giving him a kiss on the lips. He holds me tightly against him leaning further into the kiss. We stop then return to the group. My dad picks his phone up off the ground just to see it shattered. He looks at me and Nicky. "How are we going to find them now?" Ahk asks. Teddy comes to my dad and says "Lawrence, look, I'm turning to wax." He then shows my dad his hand and I look at it in shock. "Alright we gotta get to Egypt now." He says leading us off. "Shouldn't we save Jed and Octavius?" Nicky asks in disbelief. "He's right a knight doesn't sire away from his duties." Lancelot chimes. "Well if we don't get to Egypt, we aren't gonna save anybody." I look at Ahk In nervousness. It's getting to close.

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