Chapter 5

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   Our flight finally lands and we grab our bags heading to the hotel we rented that is near the museum. Knowing my dad he is probably there with him right now because that museum would be coming to life for the first time. We quickly check in to leave and go straight to the museum. When we arrive we look at the gate guarding the outside. Nicky looks at me. "I got a plan. Just follow my lead." He says and runs to the side of the building. He takes a cherry bomb out of his pocket. "What are you doing?!" I say trying to take it from him. "We need a distraction!" He says, lighting the little bomb and throwing it past the guards station. The blonde women leaves the station to go to the front and check out the noise. Nicky grabs my hand and runs with me inside the building through the back. We make it into the museum and watch all the statues, paintings, wax figures, everything come to life, but just more... grand.
   I knock myself out of awe of the place and focus back on Ahk. I grab Nicky and run towards the Egyptian exhibit, he would have to be there. As I'm running Ahk continues to cloud my mind, so much that I'm not paying attention and I crash into someone in front of me. He is dressed in knights armor and has long light brown hair and a matching scruff. He looks at me and helps me up. "Pardon me my lady, my mistake." He says kissing my hand. I nod and smile. I start to continue my way but he stops me. "Where are you two going?" He asks coming closer to us. "We have to find the Egyptian exhibit" Nicky replies trying to keep us moving but the knight blocks our path. "I can help you. I'm sir Lancelot." He says. "Of the round table?" I ask and nods. "Im MaryJane and this is my brother Nicky." I say pointing to him. He looks at me with a smolder. "What a beautiful name. MaryJane." I can here a slight sniff coming from him and i back away slightly. "Ahkmenrah!" Nicky screams. I see a golden robe lass the entrance of the statue exhibit and we run after them. We see Ahk and my father, with the tablet, walking in the exhibit. "Ahk!" I say and he stops instantly, looking at me. "MJ?" He whispers. I step closer to him and he smiles at me.

   I run at full speed to him and jump into his arms. He instantly wraps his around me and spins me around. My dad clears his throat and Ahk puts me down. "Mr Daley, guardian of Brooklyn... guardian of MaryJane. I promise I will treat this jewel like the queen she is. If you would please give me a chance." Ahk says to my dad with sad eyes. My dad gives a cold stare but I look at him with desperation. I grab into Ahk tightly with tears coming down my face. "Don't fuck up Ahk" my father says I'm defeat and I smile and hug him. "Thank you dad" I say and run back to Ahk. He looks at me with pure love. He cups my face and brings his gently and slowly closer to his. "So beautifully enchanting" he whispers and closes the space between us. His kiss felt like life itself. It felt like I was gonna live forever, with him. As we are kissing Ahk starts to tumble. I hold him up to keep him from falling. "Ahk?" I say trying to help him stand. We look to see Teddy, Sacagawea, hun, Jedi, Octo, and Dexter running up to us. "Everyone is here" my brother says coming next to me helping me with Ahk. "Ahk and I had another purpose of coming here besides me trying to keep you guys away from each other." My dad Chirps in. He hold the tablet up and the golden glow is being replaced with green mold.
I see Ahk's skin color fading to a decomposing color and he struggles to catch a breath. I hold him against me tightly. "It's ok I got you" I whisper in his ear. Teddy starts to yell random shit, Sacagawea is frozen and Attila is going nuts. Neither me Nicky or my dad know what to do in that moment. Before we could think the mold stops and they all snap out of their trance. Ahk's skin color comes back and he stands up. I hug him tightly. "We've got to get the tablet to my father, he's the only one who knows the secrets about it." Ahk says. He grabs the tablet from my dad and holds onto it. We start to walk to the exhibit but are knocked down by a hug shake to the ground. We turn to see a giant bone triceratops coming down the hall. It stops and stares at us. "It's ok. I know what to do" my dad says and carefully, cautiously, to the wall where animals heads are hung. "Do you mind?" He looks up at the warthog who shakes its head and he grabs a bone from the wall. "Dad what are you doing?" Nicky asks. "How do you think I trained your pal rexie?" He smiles. "Your just a big puppy. A big puppy who just wants to play. You want the bone?" My dad taunts shaking the bone back and fourth. The triceratops shakes it's tail as I'm getting ready to fetch it. We all smile to ourselves thinking we got it handled. My dad throws the bone and the dinosaur clamps it with its jaw breaking it straight in half. "Laurence I got a better idea" Teddy says slowly backing off. "And what's that?" "Run!" Teddy says and we all take off hearing the roar from the giant ass Dino behind us. Ahk grabs a hold of my hand dragging me along with him, making sure he doesn't lose me. We run into the mid evil exhibit and are trapped when the triceratops blocks the entrance. We then see someone jump in front of us. It's Lancelot. "Need help?" He smirks. He then takes his sword and starts swinging it at the dinosaur.

Ahk takes me and backs away from the fight making sure I don't get caught in the cross fire. He then hands his sword to Larry. "Can you hold this for a second?" He says. Lancelot then turns around and punches it in between it's eyes. The triceratops retreats and runs away. He looks at everyone and takes his helmet off. His wavy hair flowing out. "I am sir Lancelot of Camelot." He puffs his chest out. My dad introduces us and then Lancelot continues. "You look like someone from Camelot." My dad turns to make eye contact. "One of your knights of the round table?" My dad asks smugly. "No Erik. Our fool." Lancelot says with a laugh. Nicky and i look at each other trying to contain our laughs. We smile at Lancelot as he continues. "You had what he had. The gift." He makes a line with his mouth and Nicky and I snicker. Dad both looks back at us and we stop. We continue to walk. "Where are you going?" Lancelot asks. My dad turns to him. "We have to take this tablet to the Egypt section. It's dying." He says. Lancelot comes closer and steps in front of us. "I know this museum well. Let me help you." He says. My dad shrugs and continues to walk. Then hun stops us. He speaks something in his abnormal language. "Attila? What's wrong?" My dad asks. He touches the top of his hat where Jedi and Octo are supposed to be. "Oh no Jed and Oct are gone?" My dad asks. "They must've fallen out as we were running." Teddy says. We start to scream their names trying to find them.
We come down a hall and my dad runs to the went on the ground. We see Octo's red cape caught on one of the bars to the vent. "They must've fallen down there" I say. "At their size they'll bake like tiny little scarabs in a Sinai." Ahk emotionlessly says. We all stop and look at him. "Too dark?" My dad then takes a rope and asks for Nickys phone. "I may or may not have a tracker on your phone." My dad explains to Nicky. He looks at me in disbelief. I'm so glad that I'm not his age anymore I remember when my dad would do the same thing. Especially on dates with guys I would just happen to see his car in the same parking lot and so on. "Nah or may not have a tracker. You may or may not be spying on me" Nicky continues in disbelief. "I promise you'll get it back. But dexter can fit in the vent and he can find them." He says tying to the phone to dexter. My dad dismisses him to find them.

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