Chapter 7

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We walk to the front of the Egyptian exhibit and Lancelot stops. My Dad looks at him. "We can do this in our own thank you for everything." My dad says trying to get away from the conversation to rush to the exhibit. "I shall not say goodbye" Lancelot says. "I am. I'm sorry but I have to go, thanks again." My dad says and swiftly goes to the tombs. "Really man, thanks for everything" Nicky reassured him. I give Lancelot a sympathetic look. He looks at my dad in a bit of rage from his disrespect. We all walk to Ahk's parents tombs. "I haven't seen these walls in many a moon" he says In awe. I look at him in adoration. He looks so handsome while he relives his past. "Ahkmen?" A female voice sounds. We turn to see an Egyptian women. "Mother?" He says. She runs and hugs him and he hugs back tightly. We then see a pharaoh waking out. "Welcome home my son" he says. He then pulls Ahk into a hug and I can feel Ahkmenrah smile, I wipe a tear watching the love of my life reuniting with his parents after over 50 years. "I want you to meet my friends" he says and looks over to us. "I'm Merenkahre pharaoh of the Egyptian land."he says. "And I'm Shepseheret, the jewel of the realm." "I'm Larry" "guardian of Brooklyn" Ahk finishes. My dad starts to speak about the tablet. "You are speaking to a pharaoh, kiss my staff" he says then hits it on the ground. My dad awkwardly blows a kiss to it. Everyone is silent. Ahk then looks at me and reaches for me. "And this.... This is MaryJane, goddess of beauty" he says with a smile. His parents look at me and give the realization look. His parent slightly bow. "The tablet." Ahkmenrah's dad takes the tablet. "It's dying." He says my dad looks at me then to his father. "Yeah we know we need to know how to fix it." Ahk's father roughly slams it into his chest looking at him angrily. "That would involve me giving away the secret of the tablet." He growls. "Why do you never divulge the secret of the tablet?" Ahk asks. He sighs to his father I can see the desperate plea in his eye, their lives depend on it. "You were supposed to learn the secrets when it was time." He says. Ahk rolls his eyes. "Well it has been 4,000 years, now seems like a good time." He says. I stand next to Ahk grabbing his arm and standing close to him.

"The tablet was forged in the temple of kouhus, the moon god. With the moons god power we made a tablet so not even death could keep us apart. Once bathed in the moonlight the moon god gave it power allowing it to keep us together for eternity."

He finishes. He looks at me. "It's been out of the moonlight too long." He whispers. Then the tablet starts to glow green again and everyone starts to freeze. I look over to Ahk and see his skin color fading to a decomposing color. "My son?" His mother asks taking his face into her hands. His father grabs mine. "It needs moonlight. Now" My dad, me and Nicky start to run towards to windows. "If it dies it cannot be fixed!" Merenkarhe screams to us. That makes me run even faster, knowing I may never see a Ahkmenrah again. I try to contain my tears but they flow. I see my dad stop at the sunroof where the moonlight strikes. He starts to fix the 9 squares then I feel myself get grabbed and a cold sharp blade against my throat. Lancelot. He brings me in front of my dad. "The tablet." He says my dad and Nicky look in horror. "What what are you doing?" He says handing the tablet to Lancelot and he throws me to my dad. He catches me. "Listen we need to put that tablet into the moonlight it's dying" my dad pleads. "All this time I was looking for the holy grail, turns out it was a tablet all along" he growls. My dad shakes his head in frustration. "Look keep it! Just turn the middle one and point it in the moonlight." My dad says. Lancelot shakes his head. "I won't be doing that" he then runs away. My dad looks to me and Nicky. "Get the others." We nod running off back to the tombs. The others realize from our faces and Ahk stands up and grabs my hand running to find my dad. We meet up with him and he explains where we should all go. "He can't leave the building." He finishes. We run off in different directions looks for Lancelot. Ahk and I are in the East wing keeping guard of the exit. We slow down catching a breath. I look to him in worry. What if I loose him, I don't want him to decompose into nothing. I wouldn't care if I had to become nocturnal to spend my life with Ahk I will do that. He is who I want to be with and I will do anything to stay with him. He looks at me and walks towards me. "What's on your mind my jewel?" He asks moving a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm scared to loose you.." I say, I can feel my words trembling over each other.

He lifts my chin up to look at him. I can see some worry In his eyes. "Me too.." he whispers. Then I realize. He's also scared. He doesn't even know if he would survive and he doesn't want to lie to me telling me it's gonna be ok. This thought makes me sob. He pulls me into his chest hugging me tightly and running his hand down my hair trying to soothe me. He shushes me quietly. "I know but we can do this darling." He whispers. I nod my head wiping my tears off with the back of my hand. He uses his thumb to help wipe excess off and looks at me with love. Sac and Dexter come to us. "They know where Lancelot's gone." She says. We run, following her outside to meet my dad and everyone else. "There's like 8 million people in this city, we're never gonna find him." Nicky says. "We will." My dad looks around and we run to where he last saw Lancelot go. Sacagawea stops us and looks at the ground seeing a horse hove, she explains where and how fast he was going. Then we hear screams. I look to Ahkmenrah in worry. He sighs and we run to see the statues of lions coming to life. He's been through here. They block us from coming down the stairs. "Take out your flashlight gigantor, these kitties wanna play!" Jedi whoops. My dad takes his light out and shines it on the ground. They start moving towards it like domesticated animals. As the start to fight each other my dad leads us to a bud with the words 'Camelot the play' written on the side. That's where Lancelot must've gone since he doesn't believe he isn't real. We all tumble into the bus. I sit next to Ahk leaning against him.
As we drive his hand rests in the thigh. I felt like this was a quick break I tried to enjoy these few seconds I had of relief with Ahk. Then these kids turn to us, looking at the others in astonishment. "We're just as god made us!" Jedi says. They continue to look. "Take a picture it'll last longer!" He says again. The girl brings her tiny phone up and the flash clicks taking a picture. I try to contain my laughter and Ahk does the same. He leans back and bit putting his arm around me. We finally make it to the theater and see the crowd running out. As we past through them trying to keep from getting stumbled on. We see Lancelot scurry away when he sees us running after him. He leads us to the roof of the theatre. "Don't come closer!" He says waving the lit up torch at my father. His nose is drooping from the fire and his wax form. My dad makes notice if it and Lancelot screams. He burns the torch out then holds the tablet to my dad. "Stop looking at my nose!" He screams to us. "It's hard not to." I whisper to Ahk and he chuckles. "I'm sorry I forgot what we were talking about." He says. The tablet is almost fully covered in green and it takes a bit more of the golden glow away. Attila screams then falls to the ground. Teddy turns to full wax and leans in the sunroof window, sac holds his hand freezing then looking into a distance. Jedi and Octo are next to each other, dead like on the ground. Dexter is start to cower in a fetal position in front of my dad and Ahkmenrah starts to turn a yellowish Green, his eyes whiten out and he falls into the rails, trying to keeping himself up, gasping for air. "Larry." He says. "We're too late" I hold Ahk to me and start to cry.
This is my last moments with him. "I love you Ahkmenrah." I tell him and kiss his cold chapped, bruised lips. He looks at me with a slight smile. "And I always will." He finishes. Lancelot looks to my dad and all of us. "I finally understand." He whispers. I continue to sob while Ahk lays under me dying. "It wasn't about the tablet was it?" He asks. My dad looks at him in sadness. "It was about them." Lancelot smiles with tears welling in his eyes. My dad nods slightly looking down to dexter. "Forgive me, fore I have been the fool." He says handing the tablet to my dad. He quickly grabs it, fixing the middle square and shows it to the moon. I thought that it wouldn't matter and that I've lost Ahkmenrah, forever. But then, it starts to glow. Then, almost immediately the green disappears and turns back into gold. Ahkmenrah's color comes back and he starts to gather his breath. Everyone goes back to normal and cheers. I just into Ahk and hold him tightly while I cry. He spins me around and shushes me. "I'll never leave you. Not even in death." He says and kisses me.

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