Chapter 1

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Your POV

"This is trial one-hundred, nine for the RK800 android."

I tiredly smile at the camera seeing an Android's body behind me. He's physically complete but the programming needs some adjustments. Rubbing my face, I take a deep inhale before sighing.

"No time like the present to test an Android, right?"


Leaning back in my chair, I stare at the screen in front of me. A pen is twirling around my fingers as I slowly swivel in my chair. The design is actually pretty good. Not too many suggestions to make.

"Personally, I would adjust the blood level sufficiency to seventy-five and upgrade the intelligence-- I mean you are just making a delivery Android so there shouldn't be a need for them to have such a low blood sufficiency," I speak. Swiping on the screen, the touch command is activated and I do another 360-degree check. "Also, you're going to have to make the nose narrower, eyes a bit smaller-- looks too aware and humans don't like that." When did I start to sound like a demi-god? I guess you could say that android designers are playing god. . .

"Really? Others said it was alright to have the sufficiency at fifty."

"I'm positive. She needs the brain to memorize the map and make the best routes for delivery," I respond. "Look, I'm just here to offer advice. You don't have to listen to me."

"No-- I appreciate it a lot. Thanks. I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't around." the lady responds before hanging up.

She would probably be building a very concerning android that CyberLife would not approve of. Ever since androids have been on the public market, the company is strict about what designs are produced. The only way to stay in is to do an exceptionally good job. If you can't make a pretty android, you are fired-- you aren't even getting the job.

Hanging up, I toss the phone off to the side. After logging out of that system, I flop back in my seat, eyes glancing outside. The sky is turning black with dots of colour from city lights. From here, it is silent-- peaceful. My eyes flutter shut as this quiet place lulls me to sleep. Just a few seconds of closed eyes would be fine.

Before my brain can shut off, there is a knock on the door.

"Miss. (L/n)?"

My eyes snap open from the voice-- it's familiar to me.

Letting out a sigh, I look to the ceiling. It's probably just a dream-- sweet illusions. I guess nightmares are dreams as well so I can't call them all 'sweet'.

The knocking on the door makes me sit up straight. Spinning the chair, I look at the door.

"Miss. (L/n), please open up."

I furrow my brows, walking to the door. It confirms that it isn't a mind trick, but reality-- a reality I didn't think would exist.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door, instantly arching an eyebrow of surprise.

"Hello. My name is Connor," the Android speaks.

". . . Yes. . . Do you need help with something?" I ask him, my jaw slightly slack and lips parted-- baffled.

I know that he only looks the same. It is impossible to tell if he is exactly the same unless I stick around to find out. That isn't something that I should be doing. . .

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